Visual defect among professional drivers in Accra
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Ghana Medical Journal
This study aims at determining the visual status of
professional drivers, and whether routine eye
screening for such drivers applying for professional
driving license should be mandatory. The result of
eye screening performed on professional drivers in
Accra were analysed.
A total of seven hundred and ninety eight drivers
between the ages of 20 and 70 were examined. Of
these 91 (11 .4%) had impaired vision. Of those
with poor vision, the commonest cause of impaired
vision was cataract (36.3%). Glaucoma accounted
for 7.7% and macular disease 15.3%. There was a
high rate of uncorrected refractive errors. There is
an urgent need to routinely screen all drivers applying
for professional license at least by simple visual
acuity testing.
Journal Article on Visual defect
Professional drivers, visual defect, licensing, visual standards cataract, glaucoma, macular disease, eye screening