Does bank competition and diversification lead to greater stability?Evidence from emerging markets


This paper investigates how the level of competition affects diversification and stability using a sample of 978 banks in 55 emerging anddeveloping countries over an eight year period 2000–2007. We shed further light on the competition-stability nexus by examining the complexinteraction between three key variables: the degree of bank market power, diversification and stability. The core finding is that competition increasesstability as diversification across and within both interest and non-interest income generating activities of banks increases. Our analysis identifiesrevenue diversification as a channel through which competition affects bank insolvency risk in emerging countries. The results are robust to anarray of controls including alternative methodology, variable specifications and the regulatory environments that banks operate in.




Bank competition, Diversification, Stability


M. Amidu, S. Wolfe. Does bank competition and diversification lead to greater stability?Evidence from emerging markets. Review of Development Finance 3 (2013) 152–166



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