Ban of Religious Gatherings during the COVID‑19 Pandemic: Impact on Christian Church Leaders’ Well‑Being in Ghana
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Pastoral Psychology
This study was conducted during a period of lockdown and ban on social gatherings,
including religious gatherings, in Ghana. The restrictions were instituted in response to the
COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the study was to understand how the well-being of
Christian church leaders was impacted during the prohibition in terms of aspects of their
vocation and religious practices. Fourteen Christian church leaders located in urban and
rural settings in Ghana, with 5 to 32 years of experience, discussed how they and their
families were impacted by the ban on religious gatherings in Ghana. Findings revealed
negative impacts of the COVID-19 restrictions, including spiritual slacking, loss of fellow ship, disruption of normal routine, pandemic anxiety, and fnancial stress. Positive impacts
included increased faith, relief/reduced stress, and increased family time. These fndings
are discussed from psychological trauma and disaster response perspectives
Reseacrh Article
COVID-19, Mass gathering, Religious restrictions, Religious leaders, Psychological trauma, Ghana