Evaluation of Genetic Variability in Agro-Morphological and Fruit Quality Traits of Some Hot Pepper (Capsicum Sp.) Genotypes
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University of Ghana
Determination of genetic variability among genotypes is highly desirable for selection towards crop improvement and production. The main objective of this study was to evaluate variability in agro-morphological and fruit quality traits in seventeen (17) hot pepper genotypes under greenhouse and field conditions. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications under greenhouse and field environments. The estimation of genetic variance under individual environments, showed high broad sense heritability in most traits studied. Under both greenhouse and field conditions, broad sense heritability for agro-morphological traits ranged between 0 % (stem girth) and 96.94 (number of seeds per fruit) while antioxidant properties ranged between 5.91 % (Lycopene content) and 100 % (IC50 value). Except for antioxidant properties under field conditions, genetic advance by percentage mean was high under both environments and it ranged between 0 % ( stem girth) and 130.82 % (yield in tons per hectare) for agro-morphological traits while antioxidant properties ranged between 5.76 % (Vanillic acid content) and 73.82 % (β carotene). In general, phenotypic coefficient of variation (13.89 % - 97.08 %) was higher than the genotypic coefficient of variation (0 % - 82.87 %) in all the traits studied under both environments. The combined analysis showed highly significant difference (P<0.001) among most traits studied for genotype, environment and genotype x environment interaction. Days to 50 % fruiting and flowering was significant and had positive associated with most of the traits studied. Among the traits, performance varied among genotypes and across environments showing adequate genetic variability which could be based on for selection.
Thesis (MPhil.) - University of Ghana, 2015
Pepper Genotypes, Fruit Quality, Agro-Morphological