Challenges and responses to infant and young child feeding in rural Rwanda: a qualitative study
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Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition
Background: Despite different interventions to improve child nutrition conditions, chronic malnutrition is still a
public health concern in Rwanda, with a high stunting prevalence of 38% among under 5-year-olds children. In
Rwanda, only 18% of children aged 6–23 months are fed in accordance with the recommendations for infant and
young child feeding practices. The aim of this study was to explore challenges to infant and young child feeding
practices and the responses applied to overcome these challenges in Muhanga District, Southern province of
Methods: Sixteen (16) focus group discussions were held with mothers, fathers, grandmothers, and community
health workers from 4 rural sectors of Muhanga District. The discussions were recorded, transcribed verbatim, and
thematically analyzed using qualitative data analysis software, Atlas.ti.
Results: Two main themes emerged from the data. Firstly, there was a discourse on optimal infant and young child
feeding (IYCF) practices that reflects the knowledge and efforts to align with early initiation of breastfeeding,
exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months, as well as initiation of complementary foods at 6 months
recommendations. Secondly, challenging situations against optimal practices and coping responses applied were
presented in a discourse on struggling with everyday reality. The challenging situations that emerged as impeding
appropriate IYCF practices included perceived lack of breast milk, infant cues, women’s heavy workload, partner
relations and living in poverty. Family and social support from community health workers and health facility staff,
financial support through casual labor, and mothers saving and lending groups, as well as kitchen gardens, were
used to cope with challenges.
Conclusion: Factors influencing IYCF practices are multifaceted. Hence, intervention strategies to improve child
nutrition should acknowledge the socially embedded nature of IYCF and address economic and social environmental
constraints and opportunities, in addition and above knowledge only
Research Article
Infant and young child feeding, Breastfeeding, Complementary feeding, Qualitative, Rwanda