Government Training Institution for Teachers, Accra 1912-16
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Wesleyan Mission Schools
'I'he Government Training Institution, Accra, has now been in existence for over three years. 'I'he students who have passed through its courses are scattered throughout the colony, and, year by year more will go forth to their labours in the schools. We desire strongly that these students shall not for one moment think that their connection with the Institution was severed on the day they passed from its doors. Their presence here forged a link in a chain which we trust will long go unbroken. To strengthen that link is the modest ambition of this Magazine. The manner in which, it is hoped, this may be done has already been indicated in a circular letter addressed to all old students. It may not be out of place to allude briefly to it again. The magazine is neither for old students alone nor for present students alone, but for both. It will contain an account of the various activities and scholastic successes of those at present in the Institution. Similar information will be chronicled in the case of past students, details of whose successes will be gratefully acknowledged by the Editors.
Training Institution, Teachers