Arrangements for Online Engagements of Distance Learners in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic
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The University of Ghana Distance Education Programme was not spared from the disruptions brought
about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Management of the Department needed to make a radical move to
shift from its hybrid system of delivery to a full-fledged online delivery. In spite of the limited time for
this move, a lot of creative planning had to go into this, which led to a virtual training of 340 tutors,
through four modules, to prepare them adequately for the task. Aside from assessing the planning and
the virtual training aforementioned, this reflective paper also delves into other important issues such as
the rolling out of a virtual/online academic and counselling support and architecture for monitoring of
all the 228 courses that were moved onto the online space. This paper has implications for both policy
and institutions that might be faced with similar circumstances, and it makes suggestions for exploration
of other useful tools for delivery and monitoring that would contribute to better online engagements.
Book Chapter
Distance Education Programme, University of Ghana, COVID-19 pandemic