The Involvement Of Royalhouse Chapel And Prisons Ministry In Reintegration Of Ex-Prisoners Into Society

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University of Ghana


The purpose of this study was to examine the social support mechanisms(SSM) adopted by Royalhouse Chapel International (RCI) and Prison Ministry of Ghana (PMG) and how these interventions have facilitated ex-prisoners reintegration in Accra. The study was conducted on the premise that ex-prisoners were faced with myriad of challenges after their release that make it difficult to adjust to life and fit back into society. Some of these challenges were as a result of ineffective pre-released plan in the prisons and the lack of post-release support to cushion the ex-prisoners against livelihood shocks and the various vulnerability risks they were predisposed to. Other obstacles that the ex-prisoners were faced with emanated from their past criminal history and society‟s unpreparedness to receive them. Another reason for their predicament was the label “ex-prisoner”, “ex-convict” or “ex-offender” imposed on them by society which limits their access to employment and other social supports. In order to assess how SSM for ex-prisoners facilitate their reintegration into society, the researcher selected 21 ex-prisoners under the care and support of RCI and PMG, and 18 others who were not under the care and support of the two organisations. Findings of the research revealed that those who received support and care or benefited from the SSM interventions of RCI and PMG had their situation improved in terms of access to job, accommodation and improved social acceptance levels. Among the 18 others, some had received some support from friends and families and others had no support and thus made reintegration very challenging for them. Some of the policy recommendations made include the need for a review of the Ghana Prisons Service policy on rehabilitation and reformation of prisoners and the need for a national policy on ex-prisoner reintegration. Also the state should provide technical and financial support to Faith-Based and Civil Society Organisations that are assisting ex-prisoners in their reintegration to enable them scale up their activities. There is also an urgent need for public education on ex-prisoner reintegration issues to lessen or minimise the stigmatisation and exclusion they experience.


Thesis(MA)- University of Ghana, 2013





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