Factors Contributing To Low Immunization Coverage in the Asante Akim North District


This study looked at factors which contribute to low immunization coverage in the Asante Akim North district. Low immunization coverage in this study was defined as “the inability of the DHMT to achieve set immunization targets”. The objectives of this study were to identify factors contributing to low immunization coverage in the district. Factors considered were availability of logistics, strategies used, adequacy of health workers, and supervision of junior health workers. Others were access, perception and knowledge of mothers to immunization services. Data was collected from four disease control officers including the District Disease Control Officer, three officers from three sub districts, the District Director of Health Services, the head of the sub district Health Teams and mothers within the age range 20 and 35years using checklists, structured questionnaires and focus group discussion guides respectively. The mothers for the focus group discussion were recruited from eight communities. The communities two from each sub district, were selected by random sampling. Ten mothers were recruited from each of the eight communities for each focus group discussion using the criteria mentioned earlier. The findings were analysed using Epi Info software. The main findings were inadequate cold chain equipment, intermittent shortage of vaccines, inadequate health staff, poor supervision of health staff and misconceptions of mothers about immunization. Others were poor access especially geographical access of a considerable number of communities especially those in the Afram Plains to immunization services. Recommendations include extending outreach services to the communities with poor geographical access to the services, improving supervision and updating the cold chain equipment in the district. Others are ensuring availability of vaccines at all times, using other health staff to assist in immunization service delivery and organisation of baby shows half yearly in each of the sub districts to reward deserving mothers and at the same time serve as enticement for non-attendant and defaulting mothers.






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