Statistical Analysis Of Water Level, Temperature And Humidity Using Cointegrated Vector Autoregression (VAR) Models
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University of Ghana
The leading climate factors influencing availability of water are; temperature,
relative humidity, precipitation, and evaporation. Water and agricultural production
cycles are indisputably influenced by temperature and relative humidity.
Temperature and relative humidity projections can therefore proficiently be
employed in making decisions when optimal usage of water resources is of interest.
Thus, the current study explored both the “long-run” and “short-run” impact of both
temperature and relative humidity on water level through cointegrated VAR models
with specific application to the Akosombo Dam water level. The quarterly averages
of the daily Akosombo water level, temperature and humidity of its surrounding
was computed from the daily data obtained and it spanned the period January 1980
to December 2014. Seasonal ARIMA models ARIMA(0,1,1)(0,1,1)4 ,
ARIMA(1,0,1)(1,1,1)4 and ARIMA(2,1,1)(1,1,1)4 were estimated using values of
AIC, AICc and BIC for Akosombo Dam water level, temperature, and humidity
respectively. Also, water level was observed to granger causes both temperature
and relative humidity whiles relative humidity also granger causes both water level
and relative humidity. In addition, both water level and temperature responded
positively to the impulse of humidity. The VAR model outperformed the SARIMA
model in forecasting water level, temperature, and relative humidity. Finally, water
level and relative humidity were cointegrated whiles a cointeration relation was
observed between temperature and relative humidity. The rate of adjustment to
equilibrium observed by temperature was very high among the three variables.
Thesis (MPhil)
Statistical Analysis, Water Level, Temperature, Humidity, Cointegrated Vector Autoregression (VAR) Models