Investigative studies on the effects of cadmium rabbits on high enriched uranium-fueled and low enriched uranium-fueled cores of Ghana Research Reactor-1 using MCNP5 code
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Nuclear Engineering and Design
Miniature Neutron Source Reactors (MNSRs) are noted to be among highly safe research reactors. However, because of its use of one control rod for reactivity control and shutdown purposes, alternative methods of shutting it down are important. The Ghana MNSR uses four cadmium rabbits of approximate dimensions 6.5 cm × 5.0 cm × 0.1 cm and mass of 9.48 g each to emergently shut down the reactor. The Monte Carlo N-Particle code; version 5, (MCNP5) was used to design the high enriched uranium (HEU) and low enriched uranium (LEU) cores of the MNSR with four cadmium rabbits inserted in four inner irradiation sites of each core. The operating parameters and shutdown parameters for both cores with the central control rod (CCR) either fully withdrawn or fully inserted had similar results with the HEU core having slightly better results in terms of safety. However, the results show that the four inserted cadmium rabbits make the HEU core subcritical whiles in the LEU core, it still remains critical (keff = 1.00005 ± 0.00007). The length of the cadmium material in each cadmium rabbit must therefore be increased by at least 0.5 cm in order to attain subcriticality (keff = 0.99989 ± 0.00006) and shutdown margin of 0.11 mk when inserted in the LEU core. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Miniature Neutron Source Reactors (MNSRs), research reactors, Monte Carlo N-Particle code; version 5, (MCNP5), high enriched uranium (HEU), low enriched uranium (LEU)