Process Evaluation Of Prevention Of Mother-To-Child Transmission Of Hiv Programme In Tamale Teaching Hospital

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University Of Ghana


Background: The prevalence of HIV epidemic across the globe is a major public health concern that affects the social and economic well-being of people. With almost 37 million peopleglobally living with the pandemic, sub-Saharan Africa have witnessed the worst form of transmission of the epidemic and account for about 22 million people living with the disease, and a half million excess HIV–related deaths in the continent. This study assessed the implementation of the PMTCT Programme, and the challenges and barriers to the full implementation of the PMTCT Programme in Tamale Teaching Hospital. Methods: The study was a cross-sectional descriptive study; that employed both quantitative and qualitative methods. A survey was conducted using a checklist with structured questions on PMTCT activities and implementation guidelines was administered to fifteen (n=15) PMTCT implementers. Analysis was conducted using Microsoft Excel 2016. An in-depth interview as guide was carried out on PMTCT implementers (n=10). The interviews were audio-taped and transcribed. Codes were created, the analysis was then written using themes and sub-themes. Results: The study revealed a 97.4% of implemented activities for Prong one (1), 92% for Prong two (2), then 99% for Prong three (3) and 96% of PMTCT implemented activities for Prong four (4). PMTCT implementers in the facility also had some challenges serving as barriers to complete implementation. The barriers to implementation were explored in qualitative interviews. Stigma, socio-cultural factors, supply chain issues, delayed EID results and frequent breakdown of PCR machines were identified as major challenges to implementation. Conclusions: The PMTCT Programme of activities for prong 1, 2 and 4 were, recorded 97.4%, 92% and 96% respectively, except Prong three (3) with 99% of PMTCT Programme activities were fully implemented. Stigma, socio-cultural factors, inadequate PCR machines, breakdown of PCR machines, delayed viral load and EID results were identified as challenges that affects delivery of PMTCT services in the Tamale Teaching Hospital.


MSc. Public Health Monitoring And Evaluation


HIV, Mother-To-Child Transmission, Tamale Teaching Hospital, Prevention




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