Factors Influencing Patient Satisfaction at the Out-Patient Department of Pentecost Hospital, Greater Accra Region


Background: Measuring patient satisfaction has become an integral part of healthfacilitymanagementglobally.Patientsatisfactionisanessentialpointer ofequitablequalityofcare.Itisoftencomplainedthatthecommunication betweenhealthcareworkersandpatientsatpublichospitalsisverypoor.This mostly makes it look like patients are totally at the mercy of the healthcare workers at these hospitals. Objective: This study sought to examine factors influencing patient satisfaction With services rendered at the outpatient department (OPD) of the Pentecost Hospital Greater Accra Region. Methods: Ananalytical cross-sectional design using a quantitative approach was applied.Astructuredquestionnairewasusedtogatherempiricaldatafrom 414 patients at the outpatient department(OPD) of the Pentecost Hospital. A systematic random sampling technique was used. Descriptive and analytical analysis were done to determine patients’satisfaction level. The mean gap score was calculated as a measure for patients’ level of satisfaction. Additionally, PCA was done using STATA to identify the subgroups of SERVQUAL items. This enabled the identification of individual components or provider-factors under the five SERVQUAL dimensions that are predictors of patient’s satisfaction.




Patient Satisfaction, Out-Patient Department, Pentecost Hospital, Greater Accra Region




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