Persistent Prevalence of Malnutrition in Children 0-5 Years in Birim South District
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University of Ghana
Following the persistent high prevalence of malnutrition in children 0-5 years in the
Birim south district over the pass years, this study set out to find why this problem
exist despite continuous health education on malnutrition.
With the permission of the District Health Management Team the study was
conducted in response to a felt need. A comparative cross sectional study was
conducted using structured questionnaires and observation methods to interview
mothers with children 0-5 years to identify reasons why malnutrition is persistently
Prevalent in the district and the knowledge, attitude practice and behavior
concerning malnutrition.
The study revealed the knowledge of respondent on exclusive breast-feeding but not
practicing it. Inadequate food supply in households, insufficient and quality food
intake by the children had significant effect on the nutritional status of the children
The study also revealed that improper care of the child by having many children under
5 contributed to the child being sick e.g. anaemia, diarrhoea, measles which led to
malnutrition. It was found that unhygienic and improper sanitary condition also
causes diseases like anaemia from worm infestation, diarrhoea etc., which leads to
In the study, respondents of both communities rated education on malnutrition as very
poor even though they receive health education on malnutrition. Late and early
weaning also influenced the nutritional status of the child. Colostrum the first
yellowish substance had significant effect on the factors influencing the persisting
prevalence of malnutrition in this district. Based on the finding of the study, the
following key recommendation would be made to the relevant authorities.
1. Education should stress on good nutrition for the child
2. Exclusive breast-feeding should be stressed
3. Appropriate weaning period should be emphasized to the mothers
4. Colostrum the first yellowish substance should be encouraged
5. The minds of mothers should be disabused on Oseram (the work of the devil) as
an ordinary insufficient nutritional or improper food intake of the child
University of Ghana