The informed consent process: An evaluation of the challenges and adherence of Ghanaian researchers
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Developing World Bioethics
This study assessed challenges faced by researchers with the informed consent
process (ICP). In‐depth interviews were used to explore challenges encountered by
Investigators, Research assistants, Institutional Review Board members and other
stakeholders. An electronic questionnaire was also distributed, consisting of Likert‐
scale responses to questions on adherence to the ICP, which were derived from the
Helsinki Declaration and an informed consent checklist of the US Department of
Health and Human Research (HSS). Responses were weighted numerically and
scores calculated for each participant. The median score of the level of adherence to
the informed consent process was 93%. Most of the respondents (60%) cited the
lack of time for the ICP to be a challenge, with 65% indicating a lengthy consent
document to be the main challenge with the informed consent document.
Challenges with language and communication were the dominant theme among
informants. Despite the high adherence of Ghanaian researchers and research
assistants to the ICP, challenges are still prevalent, requiring diligent and continuous
efforts in research implementation.
Research Article
adherence, challenge, Ghana, informed consent, perception