Graphene-maleic anhydride-grafted-carboxylated acrylonitrile butadiene-rubber nanocomposites
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Ethylene-propylene grafted-maleic anhydride (EPR-g-MA) and a pure maleic anhydride (MA) were separately used to
compound carboxylated acrylonitrile butadiene-rubber (XNBR) together with reduced graphene oxide (G) to form
nanocomposites, by using melt compounding technique. The G-sheets in the presence of MA (GA samples) or EPR-g-MA
(GB samples) generally increased the physico-mechanical properties including; crosslinking density, tensile strength
and thermal degradation resistance etc., when compared with sample without MA or EPR-g-MA (GAO) and the virgin
matrix. For the thermal degradation resistance measured by the char residue (%), by using thermal gravimetric analysis
technique; GA1 (0.1 ph G and 0.5 ph MA) was 106.4% > XNBR and 58% > GAO (0.1 ph G) while that of GB1 (0.1 ph G
and 0.5 ph EPR-g-MA) was 60% > XNBR and 22.2% > GAO respectively. Although, homogeneous dispersions of the Gsheets assisted by MA or EPR-g-MA was a factor, but the strong bonding (covalent, hydrogen and physical entanglements) occurring in GA and GB was observed to be the main contributing factor for these property enhancements. Thus,
these nanostructured materials have exhibited multifunctional capabilities and could be used for advanced applications
including high temperature (heat sinks), flame retardants, and structural applications.
Research Article
Graphene sheets, Reduced graphene oxide, Maleic anhydride, Ethylene propylene rubber, Carboxylated acrylonitrile butadiene rubber