Support, networks, and relationships: Findings from a mixed-methods evaluation of a mentorship programme for early career women researchers in sexual and reproductive health and rights
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Low research output among women researchers in health research has been linked to inad equate mentorship opportunities for early career women researchers and particularly in sex ual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) field. Mentorship has been recognized as a
contributor to strengthening research capacity and as beneficial for both mentors and men tees. Women researchers oftentimes experience negative impacts of organizational and
structural gender inequities related to formal and informal mentoring. In 2020, the UNDP/
UNFPA/UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and
Research Training in Human Reproduction at WHO launched a mentorship programme for
early career SRHR women researchers from low- and middle-income countries. The pro gramme sought to provide professional skill-building, promote and share networking oppor tunities, and offer support in navigating personal and professional life. We conducted a
convergent parallel mixed-methods evaluation of the 2020 pilot programme, which included
26 participants, through an online survey and semi-structured in-depth interviews (IDIs).
Data collection occurred between March and May 2022. Nineteen responded to the online
survey (12 mentees, 7 mentors) and 11 IDIs (7 mentees, 4 mentors) were completed.
Based on a preliminary framework, we used deductive and inductive methods to identify six
themes: views on mentorship; reasons for applying and expectations of participation in the
programme; preferred aspects of programme implementation; challenges with the pro gramme implementation; perceived lasting benefits of the programme; and recommenda tions for improvement. All participants found the initial training useful, most discussed work life prioritization throughout the mentorship relationship, and most planned to continue with the relationship. There appear to be ample benefits to mentorship, especially when planned
and implemented in a structured manner. These attributes can be particularly beneficial
when they are conceived as a two-way relationship of mutual learning and support, and
especially for women at the start of their research careers as they navigate structural gender
Research Article
women researchers, health research, Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)
Citation: Asim M, Gatheru PM, Chebet JJ, Shah MG, Thorson A, Brizuela V (2023) Support, networks, and relationships: Findings from a mixed-methods evaluation of a mentorship programme for early career women researchers in sexual and reproductive health and rights. PLoS ONE 18(12): e0295577. journal.pone.0295577