Consumer-Driven Sustainability? Issues in Turning Consumer Concern about Sustainability into Choices in the Marketplace
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People are concerned about sustainability, but this concern is not necessarily mirrored in their choices when they go shopping. Different explanations have been brought forward for this apparent gap between attitude and behavior. One is that attitude and behavior stem from different roles – people are concerned about sustainability as a citizen, but as a consumer they have other concerns, like getting value for money and pleasing their family. Another explanation is that sustainability is a complex concept, and that people may have difficulties in evaluating whether something has been sustainably produced – in fact, some ways of production that people assume are not sustainable may in fact be good for the environment and for the future of mankind. The talk will address consumer perceptions of primary production (taking pig production as an example), consumer perception of technologies, and the impact that information about sustainability related issues can have on consumer choices in the marketplace.
marketplace, consumer, development, food industry