Alteration in maternal serum uric acid levels in pre eclampsia and associated perinatal outcomes: a cross-sectional study in Ghana
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Pan African Medical Journal
Introduction: pre-eclampsia (PE) is a multisystemic
pregnancy-specific hypertensive disorder
associated with significant adverse maternal and
perinatal outcomes. Maternal serum uric acid level
is hypothesized as a reliable marker for predicting
the severity and adverse outcomes of pre eclampsia and facilitating clinical decisions. This
study explored the association between maternal
serum uric acid and adverse pregnancy outcomes
in pre-eclampsia. Methods: a cross-sectional study
involving women diagnosed with pre-eclampsia
was conducted at Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital
(KBTH), a tertiary hospital in Ghana. Descriptive
analyses were performed and multivariable logistic
regression model was used to explore the
association between maternal serum uric acid
levels and pregnancy outcomes using R software.
Results: we included 100 women with pre eclampsia comprising 79% and 21% preterm and
term pre-eclampsia respectively and with mean
gestational age (GA) at diagnosis of 32.35±2.66
weeks and 35.96±1.94 weeks respectively. The
mean maternal age of preterm and term pre eclampsia groups was 29.81±5.29 years and
29.46±5.78 years respectively. Hyperuricemia
(serum uric acid >375 µmol/L) occurred in 61% of
the pre-eclamptic women. The mean gestational
age (in weeks) at diagnosis was significantly lower
in the pre-eclamptic women with hyperuricemia
compared with those with normal levels of uric
acid (33.51±3.03 versus 34.80±2.71). There was a
significant negative association (moderate
correlation) between maternal serum uric acid
levels and birth weight (R= -0.34, p < 0.001) in pre eclampsia; the statistical significance was limited
to preterm only (Pearson R= -0.39, p-value <0.001)
but not term pre-eclampsia. Hyperuricemia was
significantly associated with low birth weight
[aOR: 3.222 (95% CI: 1.098, 10.393)], caesarean
section [aOR: 2.281 (95% CI: 1.084, 7.568)] and
severe diastolic pressure at birth [aOR: 3.517 (95%
CI: 1.123, 11.939)]. Conclusion: hyperuricemia in
pre-eclampsia was significantly associated with
both maternal (caesarean section and sever hypertension) and neonatal (low birth weight)
adverse outcomes. Hyperuricemia seems clinically
useful in predicting pregnancy outcomes,
especially in preterm pre-eclampsia. Further
longitudinal study is recommended in exploring the
clinical significance of maternal uric acid levels and
pregnancy outcomes in pre-eclampsia.
Research Article
pre-eclampsia (PE), perinatal outcomes, Ghana
Kwame Adu-Bonsaffoh et al. Alteration in maternal serum uric acid levels in pre-eclampsia and associated perinatal outcomes: a cross-sectional study in Ghana. Pan African Medical Journal. 2024;47(49). 10.11604/pamj.2024.47.49.37106