Smallholder Farmer Risk Preferences in Northern Ghana:Evidence from a Controlled Field Experimentt
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The Journal of Development Studies
We conduct a controlled field experiment to elicit risk preferences among maize farmers in
Northern Ghana. Farmers participating in the experiment were asked to choose from a menu of lotteries
representing different hypothetical probability distributions over yields produced by ‘traditional’ and ‘high
yield’ maize varieties. We estimate a Rank-Dependent Utility Model (RDU) with an Expo-Power utility function,
allowing for systematic subjective underweighting or overweighting of outcome probabilities and non-constant
relative risk aversion. Based on our estimates, we cannot reject the hypotheses that decisions made by farmers in
our study can be uniformly characterised by conventional Von Neumann–Morgenstern expected utility theory
(EUT), but reject the hypothesis that farmers exhibit constant relative risk aversion
Research Article
Northern Ghana, field experiment, Rank-Dependent Utility Model (RDU), Expo-Power
Francis H. Kemeze, Mario J. Miranda, John K. M. Kuwornu & Henry Anim-Somuah (2020): Smallholder Farmer Risk Preferences in Northern Ghana:Evidence from a Controlled Field Experiment, The Journal of Development Studies, DOI: 10.1080/00220388.2020.1715945