Adopting and Sustaining Green Electricity Energy Technologies in Ghana: A Review of Policy Perspectives
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Ghana Social Science Journal
As an effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
countries need to reorient policy directions towards green approaches
and initiatives including green energy initiatives. Energy from renewable
sources contributes to environmental protection, security of energy
supply, employment generation, promotion of sustainable development
and reduction of greenhouse gas emission. Though Ghana is much
endowed with renewable energy resources only 0.6% of the energy
supply (excluding hydropower) is from renewable sources. This paper
reviews policy options and lessons from countries which successfully
promoted green energy market and how Ghana could adopt such policies
to develop her green electricity energy market. The review reveals that,
for effective and efficient green electricity market to be developed in a
country, a wide range of policy instruments such as promoting voluntary
green electricity schemes, establishing renewable energy fund, providing
tax incentives, promoting green certification schemes and feed-in tariffs
must be developed and implemented using participatory approaches.
These policies must proceed research and development which will
stimulate clear policy objectives, cost effective considerations and long
term visioning. Institutions must be designated for policy
implementation and must receive capacity building for effective
monitoring, evaluation and provision of feedback on the implementation
process. This implies that green energy production can be improved in a
country when effective policies are implemented.
Ghana Social Science Journal, 14(2)
Green energy, sustainable development, policy, adoption, capacity building