Local Participation in Community Based Development Projects of The Ga West Municipality

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University of Ghana


The purpose of the study is to provide a critical analysis of how the local people in Ga West municipality perceive the nature of developmental projects. It intends to take into consideration the community's participation on development projects, ,5 the socio- cultural factors that influence local participation and the perception of the local people on how to enhance participation. The study used the mixed method design that employs both the qualitative and quantitative approaches to collect data. The multi-sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 187 respondents to respond to the questionnaire and focus group interview. Qualitatively, the focus group interview aided in collecting data. The survey method also helped in collecting quantitative data with the use of the questionnaire. The questionnaire was first numbered serially, edited, coded and analyzed. Frequency and percentages were used to analyze the data. A computer software, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 was used to analyze the data. The qualitative data was analyzed using transcription of the comments, statements and responses from the focus group interview, which were then coded and subthemes drawn.. The findings of the study revealed that local participation is perceived as one that requires the valued input of the local people in terms of labour, ideas and time but not often of monetary inputs. The study discovered that local participation provides the local people avenues for employment. This was evident when 79% of the male respondents affirmed that community based projects bring them employment. It was also revealed that developmental projects brought to their communities do not allow the local people to be involved at the planning and implementation phases, with 100% of the males respondents coming to a consensus that their involvement in budget and project planning is absent. The study further revealed that women were of the opinion that projects brought to them were not feminine enough and did not build their capacity. The study also revealed that to enhance participation, the local people are to be made to decide which projects are of necessity to them before commencement of such projects in their communities. The study therefore recommended that to get more community members to participate, the Municipal Assembly should assiduously design programmes that enhances the capacity of community members to participate more in development planning as well as the implementation of projects since they perceive that their capacity is not enhanced at the implementation stages. Also depending on the type of project that is brought to the community, every local member should see it as mandatory when it comes to contributing their quota towards the planning and implementation of projects. In addition, the socially constructed circle on factors that influence local participation should be adopted to check the effects of participation in local development projects.



Ga West Municipality, Local Participation, Community Based, Development Projects




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