Yellow Maize Breeding For Higher Beta-Carotene: Farmers’ Perceptions Of Vitamin-A Deficiency Consequences And Readiness To Grow Improved Varieties In Ghana


Vitamin A deficiency poses serious health concerns among the Ghanaian populace, particularly children and pregnant women. The production and consumption of yellow maize, which contains pro-vitamin A carotenoids such as beta carotene, is therefore encouraged. Consequently, yellow maize consumption is fast gaining acceptance. However, in the near future comensurate increases in production must be achieved to ensure food security. In this regard, the aims of the study were to: evaluate farmer willingness to cultivate yellow maize varieties with enhanced beta carotene content, ascertain extent of farmers’ knowledge on production constraints and mitigation, and evaluate farmers’ perception on nutritional benefits of yellow maize and the effects of vitamin A deficiency. The survey was conducted between January and May 2018 and it covered four districts representing the forest and guinea savanna ecological zones in Ghana. In each district, five communities with 10 participants each were covered. Most yellow maize farmers (78 %) were between 15 and 55 years, 42.5 % of the farmers had no formal education, 29 % had secondary education and only 8 % had tertiary education. The main challenges facing yellow maize (YM) farmers were pest control and low yield due to erratic rainfall. Majority (70 %) of the farmers had heard about vitamin A deficiency and also noticed stunted growth, mental retardation and poor eye sight in their communities but did not link such symptoms to vitamin A deficiency. Most respondents (70 %) were not aware that yellow maize contains beta carotene. Majority (70 %) of the respondents opined that improvement in the beta carotene content of yellow maize will greatly help to drastically minimize vitamin A deficiency and enhance food security. The information elicited from farmers will guide future development of yellow maize varieties for improved production and nutrition.


Research Article


maize, vitamin-A, deficiency, beta-carotene, food security, improved variety




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