Community Perceptions on Induced Abortions and Contraceptives in the Manhyia and Asawase Sub Metros of Kumasi
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University of Ghana
Improving maternal health is a key concern of the international community due to the
unacceptably high maternal mortality rate. Invariably several studies have identified induced
unsafe abortions as a major contributory factor to these maternal deaths. Contraceptive use, a
cheap and effective preventive method of unplanned pregnancies is rather low. Ghana and for
that matter Kumasi is no exception to the rule of high incidence of induced abortions and its
attendant public health problems.
This cross-sectional study combines both qualitative and quantitative methods to explore the
community’s perceptions of induced abortions and contraceptives in the Manhyia and
Asawase sub metros of Kumasi.
The members of the reproductive age group for women and men 15 to 49 and 15 to 59
respectively were, identified as the main respondents. Methods of data collection included
interviews with semi-structured questionnaires, focus group discussion, and in-depth
interview of opinion leaders and health workers in the community.
The results indicate a widespread knowledge of the complications associated with induced abortions
in the communities. For e.g., 261 (65.5%) of respondents stated rightly three conditions that may
arise from terminating a pregnancy. Recourse to induced abortions was nonetheless widespread and
cuts across social and religious classes. There is high level of male involvement and participation in
abortion related-decision making
There was a high level of knowledge of both the traditional and modern methods of
contraceptives among both sexes. Three hundred and eighty nine respondents representing
97.25% of the total respondents knew at least one method of contraceptive. This knowledge
however, has been overshadowed by a general, perceived fear of health effects associated
with contraceptive use and a belief of ―not being at risk of pregnancy‖. In view of these,
practice of contraception especially the modern methods among the communities is poor
resulting in a relatively high unmet need for family planning
Interventions must be prompt and in collaboration with the media, must focus on these three:
The physical and socio-economic complications of induced abortions
Disabuse the minds of the community of the beliefs and misconceptions about
contraceptives through vigorous mass education
Make contraceptives attractive by highlighting its enormous contraceptive and other
non contraceptive benefits.
It is believed that the views from different members of the community have provided
insight into the context of unwanted pregnancies, induced abortions and knowledge of
contraceptive. It again expected that the information gathered will serve as a guideline in
the formulation of effective, practical, preventive policies and programmes for reducing
induced abortions and its effects in the Kumasi metropolis as well as the nation.
Thesis (MPh) - University of Ghana, 2008
Community, Induced Abortions, Manhyia, Kumasi