Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach for Siting Sewer Treatment Plants in Muscat, Oman
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Urban Science
Sewer Treatment Plants (STPs) are essential pieces of infrastructure given the growing
scarcity of water sources due to the challenges of urbanization. The positioning of STPs is a complex
multidimensional process that involves integrative decision-making approaches that consider multiple sustainability criteria to ensure their optimal placement. The Multi-Criteria Decision Method
(MCDM) is a suite of approaches available to decision-makers when making systematic and sci-entifically informed decisions on siting wastewater treatment plants. Although MCDM methods
have manifold applications in different geographic contexts, there is a paucity of studies employing
MCDM models for the siting of STPs within the context of Oman. In this study, we assessed the
locations of existing STPs and identified suitable locations for future STPs within the Muscat Governorate of Oman using a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Analytic Hierarchy Process (MCDM-AHP)
model in a Geographic Information System (GIS) environment. Eight factors were considered in the
MCDM-AHP model: slope, elevation, proximity to built-up areas, airports, valleys, road networks,
the sea, parks, and golf courses. Each factor was assigned priority weights based on its importance
using the AHP method. Thematic maps were generated to categorize the potential sites into different
suitability levels. The results showed that the coastal areas of A’Seeb and Bowsher were the most
suitable locations for STPs, representing only 1.19% of the total study area. The novelty of this
study stems from the perspective of an original application within the context of Oman, which has
generated novel results and interpretations. This has significant implications for urban policy and
planning with respect to better informing decision-makers with a systematic framework for efficient
wastewater treatment.
Research Article
geographic information system (GIS), population growth, sewer treatment plants