Factors Influencing Adherence To Covid-19 Prevention Protocols In Selected Gyms In The Greater Accra Region Of Ghana
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University Of Ghana
Background: Even before the development and deployment of the COVID-19 vaccines, one important way of preventing transmission was the enforcement of the COVID-19 safety and prevention protocols, namely, the wearing of facemasks, handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or with an alcohol-based sanitiser and physical distancing. However, for these measures to work, they need to be adhered to by the public, especially in areas such as gyms and fitness centres where the risk of infection or transmission may be high or increased.
Objective: The main objective of this study was to assess factors influencing adherence to COVID -19 safety protocols among gym users in the Greater Accra Region.
Method: This study assessed adherence of gyms and fitness centres to COVID-19 safety protocols using a hygiene assessment checklist, while knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of gym users of the safety protocols were explored through in-depth interviews. The study was a qualitative, cross-sectional study. Gyms in the Greater Accra Region were purposively selected and assessed using a checklist to ascertain if they were compliant with various COVID-19 protocols. Simple descriptive analysis was then conducted on the data collected from various gym facilities. Transcribed data from in-depth interviews were explored to find common themes that could explain whether gym users adhered to COVID-19 protocols or not. Framework analysis was applied.
Findings: Various gyms had put in place safety protocols, especially those related to hand washing and the use of sanitisers. Gyms need to work harder in adhering to various COVID-19 safety protocols, especially ones related to physical distancing measures. Gym users generally, had some knowledge of COVID-19 and its safety protocols. However, some gym users appeared to lack appreciation of the importance of such protocols and therefore, did not have the right attitudes towards same.
Conclusions: A lot more needs to be done by policy makers in terms of targeted education and policy enforcement for gyms and gym users to be well protected from COVID-19 infections.