State Of Dietetics Practice In Ghana
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Ghana Medical Journal
Objective: The prevalence of obesity and related diseases
has increased in Ghana. Dietitians have essential skills
to prevent and manage dietary diseases. However, little
is known about dietetic practice in Ghana. This paper
describes the history and current state of dietetics practice in Ghana.
Methods: A questionnaire was administered to 13 die titians and six dietetic interns in February 2012. The
questionnaire collected data on perceptions about die tactics practice, career progression, and challenges in
dietetics practice in Ghana. Key informant interviews
(KII) on the history of dietetics in Ghana were also held
with four retired dietitians and two dietetics educators.
Additional KII were conducted with the Chief dietitian,
two officers of the Ghana Dietetic Association, and
three other dietitians. Most KII were conducted face-to-face but a few were only possible via telephone.
Some of the KII were audio-recorded, in addition to
handwritten notes. Following the transcription of audio-recorded interviews, all data were subjected to content
Results: Dietetic practice in Ghana has evolved from
a low-skilled cadre (catering officers) offering hospital-based meal services to the current era of available
trained dietitians providing diet therapy in diverse settings. However, 80% of the 35 dietitians identified are
working in Accra. In three regions of Ghana, there are
no dietitians. There remain limited opportunities for
continuous learning and professional career advancement. Additionally, there are many unqualified diet tians in practice.
Conclusion: A huge unmet need for dietitians exists in
all regions of Ghana, except Greater Accra. Bridging
this gap is essential to increase access to dietetic care
throughout Ghana.
Research Article
dietetics, professional practice, history, situational analysis, Ghana