Adherence to Malaria Diagnosis Guidelines among Over the Counter Medicine Sellers (Otcms) In Ledzorkuku-Krowor Municipal – Greater Accra Region, Ghana
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University of Ghana
Background: The World Health Organisation (WHO) has reviewed malaria diagnosis guidelines, confining to only parasitologically-confirmed cases by either using microscopy or Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) before any treatment is considered. Regarding this evidence based rapid and far – reaching development in science of malaria treatment policy, several countries have done in-service trainings, supervision and support for health providers to improve their performance. Notwithstanding the trainings and distribution of guidelines and jobs aids, there are still low testing rates of suspected malaria cases. The main objective of the study was to determine adherence to malaria diagnosis guidelines among Over The Counter Medicine Sellers (OTCMS).
Methods: A descriptive census was employed for the study to determine adherence to Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) diagnosis among OTCMS providers. The indicators of adherence were displayed posters at the facility, use of the malaria RDT kits and testing of malaria. Descriptive statistics including frequencies and cross tabulations were used to describe the level of adherence among the OTCMS. Chi square test was used to determine whether there was a significant relationship between adherence and the predictor variables.
Results: The results showed that 38.1 percent of respondents were OTCMS owners and 61.9 percent being assistants. About 9.5 percent had completed JHS level, 71.4 percent completed SHS level and 19.1 percent have tertiary education. There were 8.3 percent of facilities that had malaria RDT posters displayed at their facilities. The proportion of OTCMS providers that use the malaria RDT kits was 21.8 percent. About 7.1 percent of the providers were testing for malaria. In overall, there were 2.8 percent full adherence, 25 percent partial adherence and 72 percent non-adherence to the malaria diagnosis guidelines among OTCMS.
Conclusion: The findings from this study showed a significant number of the OTCMS providers not adhering to the malaria diagnosis guidelines as recommended by Ghana Health Service and the Ministry of Health after its adoption from WHO.
Malaria, Counter Medicine Sellers, Ledzorkuku-Krowor Municipal, Ghana