Assessing the Processes, Strategies and Challenges for Effective Revenue Mobilization at LA Dade-Kotopon Municipal Assembly
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Mobilization of revenue by local governments for developmental projects in their various jurisdictions has over the years been considered as a major challenge. In view of this, the study therefore aims at exploring and assessing the process and strategies adopted by the MMDAs in raising internal revenue, and a recommendation of measures to enhance the revenue system. The study was focused on La Dade-Kotopon Municipal Assembly (LaDMA), using a qualitative research approach for investigating the problem. Since the research is a field study, it adopted the descriptive case study design. It also adopted a purposive sampling technique to select a total sample size of twenty (20) respondents and participants. The study found that, there was poor stakeholder inclusion in designing the revenue mobilization process, as well as identifying sources of revenue, unreliable database of properties and businesses within the municipality, lack of logistics to ensure larger population coverage, inadequate sensitization of citizens, and a poor training modules of revenue collectors in addition to poor monitoring and evaluation of those revenue collectors. The research then concluded that, revenue generation can still be improved significantly when the Assembly often sensitizes the rate and taxpayers on how their revenues are used, and how much is being collected from them, involvement of stakeholders in the design of the revenue mobilization processes and the identification of revenue sources, provision of logistics such as vehicles, and an intensive training of revenue collectors University of Ghana
Revenue Mobilization, LA Dade-Kotopon Municipal Assembly, strategies adopted by the MMDAs