Learning by distance: Prospects, challenges, and strategies

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Unified Journal of Educational Research and General Studies


Th e advancement in teaching and learning technologies places learning by distance at the centre in higher education institutions . Hence single - mode tertiary institutions are becoming dual - mode institutions, delivering distance education (DE) opportun ities , to a critical mass of learners . Today, p eople are working and learnin g simultaneously, to adjust to the changing work environment. This paper explores prospects, challenges and strate gies in DE . On prospects, it was revealed that higher education institutions involved in DE saves money as student number increases while over head s cost remain relatively stable. M any unreached students are reached. University education is sent to the doorsteps of learners. The issue of time and space is bridged . S tudent - centred teaching and learn ing is encouraged. L ow and late supply of learnin g materials, low quality of instruction, negative percepti on of family members towards DE a nd poor attitudes of tutors toward tutoring were revealed . L ack of timely feedback from lecturers, lack of interaction among learners, and lack of support by the fac ulty were identified . It r ecommends that management s of DE programs should be selfless in providing services to students. Lecturers should adopt teaching technologies to engen der meaningful learning amongst students.



Distance learning, distance-learner, technologies, prospects, challenges, strategies


Biney, I. K., & Worlanyo, E. K. (2015). Learning by distance: Prospects, challenges, and strategies. Unified Journal of Educational Research and General Studies, 1(3), 21- 28.



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