Solidification Morphology and Bifurcation Predictions with the Maximum Entropy Production Rate Model
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The use of the principle of maximum entropy generation per unit volume is a new approach
in materials science that has implications for understanding the morphological evolution during
solid–liquid interface growth, including bifurcations with or without di useness. A review based
on a pre-publication arXiv preprint is first presented. A detailed comparison with experimental
observations indicates that the Maximum Entropy Production Rate-density model (MEPR) can
correctly predict bifurcations for dilute alloys during solidification. The model predicts a critical
di useness of the interface at which a plane-front or any other form of di use interface will become
unstable. A further confidence test for the model is o ered in this article by comparing the predicted
liquid di usion coe cients to those obtained experimentally. A comparison of the experimentally
determined solute di usion constant in dilute binary Pb–Sn alloys with those predicted by the various
solidification instability models (1953–2011) is additionally discussed. A good predictability is noted
for the MEPR model when the interface di useness is small. In comparison, the more traditional
interface break-down models have low predictiveness.
Research Article
maximum entropy production rate, MEPR, planar morphology, cellular morphology, morphological bifurcations at solid–liquid interface, growth velocity, temperature gradients, coeffcient of diffusion at high temperatures