Erratum: Feasibility study of photo-neutron flux in various irradiation channels of Ghana MNSR using a Monte Carlo code [Annals of Nuclear Energy (2011) 38: 7 (1593-1597)]
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Annals of Nuclear Energy
The photo-neutron source was investigated within Ghana MNSR irradiation channels. → Irradiation channels under study were inner, outer and the fission chamber. → Thermal rated power at sub-critical state was estimated. → Neutron flux variation was investigated within the channels. → MCNP code has been used to investigate the flux variation. - Abstract: Computer simulation was carried out for photo-neutron source variation in outer irradiation channel, inner irradiation channels and the fission channel of a tank-in-pool reactor, a Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR) in sub-critical condition. Evaluation of the photo-neutron was done after the reactor has been in sub-critical condition for three month period using Monte Carlo Neutron Particle (MCNP) code. Neutron flux monitoring from the Micro Computer Control Loop System (MCCLS) was also investigated at sub-critical condition. The recorded neutron fluxes from the MCCLS after investigations were used to calculate the power of the reactor at sub-critical state. The computed power at sub-critical state was used to normalize the un-normalized results from the MCNP.
photo-neutron flux, Feasibility study, irradiation channels, MNSR, Monte Carlo code, Ghana