Enhancing student outcomes through mentoring, peer counselling and parental involvement
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PROSPECTS, 43 (3) 377-391 DOI 10.1007/s11125-013-9280-z
The government of Ghana has designed various initiatives to achieve the Millennium Development Goals on education and the Education for All goals. Despite these initiatives, student outcomes continue to be poorer than desired. Although access to education has improved, student dropout remains a problem and student scores on achievement tests remain low, along with their rates of progression to higher grades. The authors propose a program of mentoring, peer counseling, and parent involvement for children from first through ninth grade. They believe this program is essential to sustain the government’s initiatives on education, and has the potential to achieve the educational outcomes that Ghana and many developing countries require to meet the goals of the EFA agenda.
Sottie, C. A.; Dubus, N. & Sossou, M. A. (2013). Enhancing student outcomes through mentoring, peer counselling and parental involvement PROSPECTS, 43 (3) 377-391 DOI 10.1007/s11125-013-9280-z