A Prospective Trial Of Postoperative Lodoxamide (Alomide) On Pterygium Recurrence
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Ghana Medical Journal
Background: To compare pterygium recurrence after
bare sclera excision with and without topical
Design: Randomised double-blind study.
Methods: The study involved 61 patients with primary
pterygia who had bare sclera excision after informed
consent. They were post-operatively treated by either
of 2 treatment groups for 4 weeks, with a 30-months
follow-up: Controls/placebo = Guttae prednisolone 1%
with chloramphenicol 0.5% plus guttae distilled water.
Test group = Guttae prednisolone 1% with
chloramphenicol 0.5% plus guttae lodoxamide 0.1%.
Results: Sixty patients were analysed. Control Group
had 20 females and 10 males, aged 28-69.5 years,
mean 42.0(± 10.9). Test Group had 15 males and 15
females, aged 17-75 years, mean 46.0(±12.6).
Recurrence for the Test Group was 11(37%) within 30
months and 11(37%) for the Control Group within 30
months (OR=1.00, CI: 0.35-2.858). Main
complications encountered were granuloma: 7(11.7%)
from the controls and 5(8.3%) from the test group;
restriction in the motility of medial rectus muscle:
1(1.7%) from each group; persistent vascularisation at
site of excision: 1(1.7%) from each group and
adherence leukoma with uveitis 1(1.7%) from the
control group, the latter also had persistent peripheral
corneal epithelial defect later resulting in a dellen. No
significant difference was found between the treatment
groups with respect to recurrence, type and time of
complications, orientation and morphology of
pterygium, P>0.05.
Conclusion: The recurrence of pterygium is high
(about one third) with or without the use of adjuvant
Journal Article on a Prospective Trial Of Postoperative Lodoxamide (Alomide)
Pterygium, epidemiology, bare sclera, Lodoxamide (Alomide), recurrence