Attaining SDG 5.6: An Assessment of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Women in Ghana
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University of Ghana
In the efforts towards the full realization of the UN SDGs, indicators were assigned to each goal as a means of assessing progress in attaining the goals. SDG 5: Gender equality has two indicators which includes Indicator 5.6.2: Number of countries with laws and regulations that guarantee women aged 15-49 years access to sexual and reproductive health care, information, and education. Indicator 5.6.2 measures the extent to which the existing laws enable or disable women’s full and equal access to SRHR. Although there have been various legislative changes in response to the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Women in Ghana, implementation and outcomes have been disparate. This study seeks to assess pre-existing policies as well as other instruments that guarantee women’s full and equal access to SRHR in Ghana. The qualitative research approach was used to obtain primary and secondary data for analysis and discussion. The primary data was collected through semi-structured interviews and secondary sources including journal articles, books, policy documents, reports, internet sources and articles. Key findings indicate that Ghana has made some commendable efforts in the implementation of policies to provide SRHR services to women in Ghana, additionally initiatives have been put in place to bridge gaps in areas such as Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the school curriculum. The study identifies barriers encountered in the availability and accessibility of SRHR services in Ghana. Challenges faced in the implementation of SRHR policies of women in Ghana are outlined. These include low prioritization of SRHR policies, no full integration of CSE into school curriculum, low demand for SRHR services, low level of knowledge of SRHR services, inadequate funding, and cultural and religious factors.
MA. International Affairs
SDG 5.6, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights of Women, Ghana