Academic Capitalism: Globalization, Universities and the Paradox of the Neoliberal Marketplace

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Ghana Social Science Journal


The concept and practice of globalization have not only impacted countries in a variety of ways but have equally induced strong emotions across varying spectrums. As a concept, the fingerprint of Karl Marx and his adherents remains in their recognition of the vitality of transnational trade and the exploitative tendencies inherent in capitalism as a world system. In recent decades however, the concept of globalization has resurfaced in the capitalist toolkit of neoliberalism where it is deployed in promoting their self-centered capitalistic annihilation in all spheres. The paper assesses the connection between universities and globalization in terms of the increasing market-oriented approach to knowledge production. It argues that though the process of globalization has influenced the conduct of knowledge production in a variety of expected and unexpected ways, the transformation of aspects of the university has equally left visible imprints on the modicums of globalization


Ghana Social Science Journal, 13(1): 1-33.


Globalization, Knowledge Production, Universities, Triple Helix, Neoliberal Marketplace




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