Sexual and Reproductive Health Education among Adolescents at Awukugua
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university of Ghana
Sexual and Reproductive Health Education (SRHE) has become an important phenomenon that has attracted the attention of researchers worldwide, including Ghana. The upward surge in teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections has warranted the need for parents and other stakeholders to educate adolescents on their sexual and reproductive health. Accordingly, the study investigated adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health education among adolescents at Awukugua. The objectives of the study were to (a) investigate barriers to giving SRHE at Awukugua (b) identify the sources of information on sexual and reproductive health of adolescents at Awukugua and, (c) find out ways of improving SRHE for adolescents at Awukugua. The study employed a qualitative research approach and purposively sampled 22 participants from whom data were collected. The findings of the study revealed that traditional norms and religious beliefs, insufficient knowledge on the part of parents and perceptions were barriers to SRHE among adolescents at Awukugua. In addition, adolescents were accessing sexual and reproductive health information from a myriad of sources, including parents, teachers, Sunday school teachers (church), friends and social media (Facebook and Whatsapp). Based on the findings the author suggested community-based education and sensitization programs that will aim at changing negative perceptions about adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health education at the study area. Also, the researcher recommended the need for sexual and reproductive health education to be introduced as a sole subject school’s curriculum.
Sexual and Reproductive Health Education (SRHE), Adolescents, Awukugua