Strategies for effective male involvement in family planning practice in Wa District, Upper West Region of Ghana.


The effectiveness and success of family planning depends on the involvement of couples (wife andhusband) but this hardly happen in most communities as evidenced in the Wa municipality of Ghana.It is the belief, though erroneously among most males that the practice of family planning should bethe sole responsibility of the female. This paper examines the factors, which inhibit male activeinvolvement in family planning practice, and the strategies that can be implemented to make maleseffective and reliable partners in family planning practice in the Wa District of the Upper West region,Ghana The survey method, using the purposive and simple random sampling techniques wasemployed. Data for the study were gathered by the use of focus group discussions, structuredinterview schedules and questionnaire from a sample size of 160 respondents made up of married menand staff of the Reproductive Health unit of Ministry of Health. The findings of the study revealedthat men perceive family planning as a preservefor women. The militating factors against maleinvolvement identified include lack of attractive, safe and convenient male contraceptives, femaleoriented family planning facilities, service providers tend to be mostly females, high premium placedon children, disapproval of modern contraceptives by their religions-the catholic and Islamic faiths,the association of family planning with promiscuity and pressure to have many children bypolygamous family The strategies identified by the study for effective male involvement includeintensive education on benefits, misconceptions and rumours based on level of formal education,traditional setting , geographical location and vocation of the people. The target for education shouldinclude religious leaders, chiefs and opinion leaders who are custodians of these deep rooted culturaland religious beliefs



Male involvement, Familyplanning, Moderncontrace, Familyplanning practice, Populationeducation




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