The horticultural industry in Tropical Africa

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Acta Horticulturae


In recent times there has been a tremendous interest and increase in horticultural crop production with a consequent high demand for horticultural products in many tropical African countries. This is the result of many favorable factors including: 1. the urgent need to limit importation of horticultural products to conserve scarce foreign exchange; 2. the recognition of the nutritional importance of fruits and vegetables in the diet. This is coupled with increased standard of living and education; 3. increase in processing factories; and 4. the high export potential of many horticultural products. The latter has been the prime mover of the industry. Tropical African countries are now exporting, not only, fruits and vegetables, but also flowers. The horticultural industry is, however, beset by several constraints. The major economic and technical constraints are outlined and methods of overcoming them are indicated.




Norman, J.C. (2003). THE HORTICULTURAL INDUSTRY IN TROPICAL AFRICA. Acta Hortic. 621, 69-79 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2003.621.7