Book Chapters

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Book Chapters: A scholarly introduction of chapter length to an edited volume, where the content of the introduction reports research and makes a substantial contribution to a defined area of knowledge. On the other hand, Review books or articles provide a critical and constructive analysis of existing published literature in a field, through summary, analysis, and comparison, often identifying specific gaps or problems and providing recommendations for future research. These are considered as secondary literature since they generally do not present new data from the author's experimental work. Review articles can be of three types, broadly speaking: literature reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses.


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    Access Barriers Encountered By Persons With Mobility Disabilities In Accra, Ghana
    (Journal of Social Inclusion, 2019) Naami, A.
    The environment is a critical factor for participation for everyone. The need for accessible transportation and a built environment for persons with disabilities to enjoy their basic human rights and fundamental freedoms cannot be overemphasized. This study sought to understand the daily experiences of persons with mobility disabilities with physical and transportation barriers in Accra-Ghana. Photovoice methodology was used to enable participants to tell their stories about access barriers that they encountered daily. A total of 153 pictures remained, out of 431, after the final selection of pictures that best communicated participants’ experiences with accessibility. These pictures were accompanied by 95 narratives corresponding to the content of the pictures as well as the messages that the participants sought to communicate. The pictures were taken from 11 different physical and transportation environments. Evidence from the study demonstrates the existence of barriers in the built environment and transportation, which impact negatively on the psychological and social lives of persons with mobility disabilities. The need for the removal of identified barriers to empowering persons with disabilities for sustainable development cannot be overemphasized. The paper, therefore, concludes with recommendations targeting the government, social workers, and disability activists about strategies to improve access to participation for persons with mobility disabilities.
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    An Empirical Assessment Of The Impact Of Access To Credit On Farm Output: A Case Study Of Sefwi-Wiawso Municipality Ghana
    (Journal of Social Economics Research, 2019) Aduhene, D.T.; Boadu, S.; Obeng, E.
    The study examined the socio-demographic features of farmers and credit accessibility in the Sefwi-Wiawso Municipality Ghana. It also identifies the sources and factors influencing access to credit in the Sefwi-Wiawso Municipality. Primary data were obtained from 1,200 households and farmers within the Sefwi-Wiawso Municipal. The empirical analysis employed a logistic regression technique, the Tobit model, and the Endogenous Switching Regression Model (ESRM) to explore the accessibility of credit on productivity in the agriculture sector. The results revealed that age and gender are statistically significant in determining access to credit from both the logit and the endogenous regression models. The endogenous switching regression model further reveals that educational status, land ownership, and access to knowledge on credit significantly influence the amount of credit received by a particular farmer within the Sefwi-Wiawso Municipality. These findings have practical implications for the modernization of the Agriculture sector in Ghana. It is therefore important for various stakeholders to increase financial literacy among farming communities and financial institutions to increase credit accessibility in the Agriculture sector. It is therefore recommended that extension services provision, diversification of agriculture production, and easy access to credit from financial institutions in the Municipality be established to ensure increased agriculture production.