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    ICAM-1-binding Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 variants elicits opsonic-phagocytosis IgG responses in Beninese children
    (Nature Research, 2022-12) Suurbaar, J.; Moussiliou, A.; Tahar, R.; Olsen, R.W.; Adams, Y.; Dalgaard, N.; Baafour, E.K.; Adukpo, S.; Hviid, L.; Kusi, K.A.; Alao, J.; Ofori, M.F.
    Members of the highly polymorphic Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) family expressed on the surface of infected erythrocytes (IEs) are important virulence factors, which mediate vascular adhesion of IEs via endothelial host receptors and are targets of naturally acquired immunity. The PfEMP1 family can be divided into clinically relevant subgroups, of which some bind intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1). While the acquisition of IgG specific for ICAM-1-binding DBLβ domains is known to differ between PfEMP1 groups, its ability to induce antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis (ADCP) is unclear. We therefore measured plasma levels of DBLβ-specific IgG, the ability of such IgG to inhibit PfEMP1-binding to ICAM-1, and its ability to opsonize IEs for ADCP, using plasma from Beninese children with severe (SM) or uncomplicated malaria (UM). IgG specific for DBLβ from group A and B ICAM-1-binding PfEMP1 were dominated by IgG1 and IgG3, and were similar in SM and UM. However, levels of plasma IgG inhibiting ICAM-1-binding of group A DBLβ of PFD1235w was significantly higher in children with UM than SM, and acute UM plasma induced a higher ADCP response than acute SM plasma.
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    Comparison of the impact of allelic polymorphisms in PfAMA1 on the induction of T Cell responses in high and low malaria endemic communities in Ghana
    (Springer Nature, 2021) Ofori, E.A.; Tetteh, J.K.A.; Frimpong, A.; Ganeshan, H.; Belmonte, M.; Peters, B.; Villasante, E.; Sedegah, M.; Ofori, M.F.; . Kusi, K.A.
    Background: Malaria eradication requires a combined effort involving all available control tools, and these efforts would be complemented by an effective vaccine. The antigen targets of immune responses may show polymorphisms that can undermine their recognition by immune effectors and hence render vaccines based on antigens from a single parasite variant ineffective against other variants. This study compared the influence of allelic polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum apical membrane antigen 1 (PfAMA1) peptide sequences from three strains of P. falciparum (3D7, 7G8 and FVO) on their function as immunodominant targets of T cell responses in high and low malaria transmission communities in Ghana. Methods: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from 10 subjects from a high transmission area (Obom) and 10 subjects from a low transmission area (Legon) were tested against 15 predicted CD8 + T cell minimal epitopes within the PfAMA1 antigen of multiple parasite strains using IFN-γ ELISpot assay. The peptides were also tested in similar assays against CD8 + enriched PBMC fractions from the same subjects in an effort to characterize the responding T cell subsets. Results: In assays using unfractionated PBMCs, two subjects from the high transmission area, Obom, responded positively to four (26.7%) of the 15 tested peptides. None of the Legon subject PBMCs yielded positive peptide responses using unfractionated PBMCs. In assays with CD8 + enriched PBMCs, three subjects from Obom made positive recall responses to six (40%) of the 15 tested peptides, while only one subject from Legon made a positive recall response to a single peptide. Overall, 5 of the 20 study subjects who had positive peptide-specific IFN-γ recall responses were from the high transmission area, Obom. Furthermore, while subjects from Obom responded to peptides in PfAMA1 from multiple parasite strains, one subject from Legon responded to a peptide from 3D7 strain only. Conclusions: The current data demonstrate the possibility of a real effect of PfAMA1 polymorphisms on the induction of T cell responses in malaria exposed subjects, and this effect may be more pronounced in communities with higher parasite exposure.
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    Afucosylated Plasmodium falciparum-specific IgG is induced by infection but not by subunit vaccination
    (NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2021) Larsen, M.D.; Lopez-Perez, M.; Dickson, E.K.; Ampomah, P.; Ederveen, H.; Koeleman, C.A.M.; Nouta, J.; Ndam, T.; Mordmüller, B.; Salanti, A.; Nielsen, M.A.; Massougbodji, A.; Schoot, C.E.; Ofori, M.F.; Wuhrer, M.; Hviid, L.; Vidarsson, G.
    Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) family members mediate receptor- and tissue-specific sequestration of infected erythrocytes (IEs) in malaria. Antibody responses are a central component of naturally acquired malaria immunity. PfEMP1-specific IgG likely protects by inhibiting IE sequestration and through IgG-Fc Receptor (FcγR) mediated phagocytosis and killing of antibody-opsonized IEs. The affinity of afucosylated IgG to FcγRIIIa is up to 40-fold higher than fucosylated IgG, resulting in enhanced antibodydependent cellular cytotoxicity. Most IgG in plasma is fully fucosylated, but afucosylated IgG is elicited in response to enveloped viruses and to paternal alloantigens during pregnancy. Here we show that naturally acquired PfEMP1-specific IgG is strongly afucosylated in a stable and exposure-dependent manner, and efficiently induces FcγRIIIa-dependent natural killer (NK) cell degranulation. In contrast, immunization with a subunit PfEMP1 (VAR2CSA) vaccine results in fully fucosylated specific IgG. These results have implications for understanding protective natural- and vaccine-induced immunity to malaria.
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    Comparison of the impact of allelic polymorphisms in PfAMA1 on the induction of T Cell responses in high and low malaria endemic communities in Ghana
    (Malaria Journal, 2021) Ofori, E.A.; Tetteh, J.K.A.; Frimpong, A.; Geneshan, H.; Belmonte, M.; Peters, B.; Villasante, E.; Sedegah, M.; Ofori, M.F.; Kusi, K.A.
    Background: Malaria eradication requires a combined efort involving all available control tools, and these eforts would be complemented by an efective vaccine. The antigen targets of immune responses may show polymor phisms that can undermine their recognition by immune efectors and hence render vaccines based on antigens from a single parasite variant inefective against other variants. This study compared the infuence of allelic polymor phisms in Plasmodium falciparum apical membrane antigen 1 (PfAMA1) peptide sequences from three strains of P. fal ciparum (3D7, 7G8 and FVO) on their function as immunodominant targets of T cell responses in high and low malaria transmission communities in Ghana. Methods: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from 10 subjects from a high transmission area (Obom) and 10 subjects from a low transmission area (Legon) were tested against 15 predicted CD8+T cell minimal epitopes within the PfAMA1 antigen of multiple parasite strains using IFN-γ ELISpot assay. The peptides were also tested in simi lar assays against CD8+enriched PBMC fractions from the same subjects in an efort to characterize the responding T cell subsets. Results: In assays using unfractionated PBMCs, two subjects from the high transmission area, Obom, responded pos itively to four (26.7%) of the 15 tested peptides. None of the Legon subject PBMCs yielded positive peptide responses using unfractionated PBMCs. In assays with CD8+enriched PBMCs, three subjects from Obom made positive recall responses to six (40%) of the 15 tested peptides, while only one subject from Legon made a positive recall response to a single peptide. Overall, 5 of the 20 study subjects who had positive peptide-specifc IFN-γ recall responses were from the high transmission area, Obom. Furthermore, while subjects from Obom responded to peptides in PfAMA1 from multiple parasite strains, one subject from Legon responded to a peptide from 3D7 strain only. Conclusions: The current data demonstrate the possibility of a real efect of PfAMA1 polymorphisms on the induc tion of T cell responses in malaria exposed subjects, and this efect may be more pronounced in communities with higher parasite exposure.
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    Characterization of T cell activation and regulation in children with asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infection
    (Malaria Journal, 2018-07) Frimpong, A.; Kusi, K.A.; Tornyigah, B.; Ofori, M.F.; Ndifon, W.
    Background Asymptomatic Plasmodium infections are characterized by the absence of clinical disease and the ability to restrict parasite replication. Increasing levels of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in Plasmodium falciparum infections have been associated with the risk of developing clinical disease, suggesting that individuals with asymptomatic infections may have reduced Treg frequency. However, the relationship between Tregs, cellular activation and parasite control in asymptomatic malaria remains unclear. Methods In a cross-sectional study, the levels of Tregs and other T cell activation phenotypes were compared using flow cytometry in symptomatic, asymptomatic and uninfected children before and after stimulation with infected red blood cell lysates (iRBCs). In addition, the association between these T cell phenotypes and parasitaemia were investigated. Results In children with asymptomatic infections, levels of Tregs and activated T cells were comparable to those in healthy controls but significantly lower than those in symptomatic children. After iRBC stimulation, levels of Tregs remained lower for asymptomatic versus symptomatic children. In contrast, levels of activated T cells were higher for asymptomatic children. Strikingly, the pre-stimulation levels of two T cell activation phenotypes (CD8+CD69+ and CD8+CD25+CD69+) and the post-stimulation levels of two regulatory phenotypes (CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ and CD8+CD25+Foxp3+) were significantly positively correlated with and explained 68% of the individual variation in parasitaemia. A machine-learning model based on levels of these four phenotypes accurately distinguished between asymptomatic and symptomatic children (sensitivity = 86%, specificity = 94%), suggesting that these phenotypes govern the observed variation in disease status. Conclusion Compared to symptomatic P. falciparum infections, in children asymptomatic infections are characterized by lower levels of Tregs and activated T cells, which are associated with lower parasitaemia. The results indicate that T cell regulatory and activation phenotypes govern both parasitaemia and disease status in paediatric malaria in the studied sub-Saharan African population.
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    Novel Strategies for Malaria Vaccine Design
    (Frontiers in Immunology, 2018-11) Frimpong, A.; Kusi, K.A.; Ofori, M.F.; Ndifon, W.
    The quest for a licensed effective vaccine against malaria remains a global priority. Even though classical vaccine design strategies have been successful for some viral and bacterial pathogens, little success has been achieved for Plasmodium falciparum, which causes the deadliest form of malaria due to its diversity and ability to evade host immune responses. Nevertheless, recent advances in vaccinology through high throughput discovery of immune correlates of protection, lymphocyte repertoire sequencing and structural design of immunogens, provide a comprehensive approach to identifying and designing a highly efficacious vaccine for malaria. In this review, we discuss novel vaccine approaches that can be employed in malaria vaccine design.
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    Malaria causes long-term effects on markers of iron status in children: a critical assessment of existing clinical and epidemiological tools
    (Malaria Journal, 2018-12) Castberg, F.C.; Sarbah, E.W.; Koram, K.A.; Opoku, N.; Ofori, M.F.; Styrishave, B.; Hviid, L.; Kurtzhals, J.A.L.
    Background Most epidemiological studies on the interplay between iron deficiency and malaria risk classify individuals as iron-deficient or iron-replete based on inflammation-dependent iron markers and adjustment for inflammation by using C-reactive protein (CRP) or α-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP). The validity of this approach and the usefulness of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) as a proposed inflammation-independent iron marker were tested. Methods Conventional iron markers and FGF23 were measured in children with acute falciparum malaria and after 1, 2, 4, and 6 weeks. Children, who were transfused or received iron supplementation in the follow-up period, were excluded, and iron stores were considered to be stable throughout. Ferritin levels 6 weeks after admission were used as a reference for admission iron status and compared with iron markers at different time points. Results There were long-term perturbations in iron markers during convalescence from acute malaria. None of the tested iron parameters, including FGF23, were independent of inflammation. CRP and AGP normalized faster than ferritin after malaria episodes. Conclusion Malaria may bias epidemiological studies based on inflammation-dependent iron markers. Better markers of iron status during and after inflammation are needed in order to test strategies for iron supplementation in populations at risk of malaria.
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    Evasion of Classical Complement Pathway Activation on Plasmodium falciparum-Infected Erythrocytes Opsonized by PfEMP1-Specific IgG
    (Frontiers in Immunology, 2019-01) Larsen, M.D.; del Pilar Quintana, M.; Ditlev, S.B.; Bayarri-Olmos, R.; Ofori, M.F.; Hviid, L.; Garred, P.
    Members of the PfEMP1 protein family are expressed on the surface of P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes (IEs), where they contribute to the pathogenesis of malaria and are important targets of acquired immunity. Although the PfEMP1-specific antibody response is dominated by the opsonizing and complement-fixing subclasses IgG1 and IgG3, activation of the classical complement pathway by antibody-opsonized IEs does not appear to be a major immune effector mechanism. To study the molecular background for this, we used ELISA and flow cytometry to assess activation of the classical component pathway by recombinant and native PfEMP1 antigen opsonized by polyclonal and monoclonal PfEMP1-specific human IgG. Polyclonal IgG specific for VAR2CSA-type PfEMP1 purified from a pool of human immune plasma efficiently activated the classical complement pathway when bound to recombinant PfEMP1 in ELISA. In contrast, no activation of complement could be detected by flow cytometry when the same IgG preparation was used to opsonize IEs expressing the corresponding native PfEMP1 antigen. After engineering of a VAR2CSA-specific monoclonal antibody to facilitate its on-target hexamerization, complement activation was detectable in an ELISA optimized for uniform orientation of the immobilized antigen. In contrast, the antibody remained unable to activate complement when bound to native VAR2CSA on IEs. Our data suggest that the display of PfEMP1 proteins on IEs is optimized to prevent activation of the classical complement pathway, and thus represents a hitherto unappreciated parasite strategy to evade acquired immunity to malaria.
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    A STAT6 intronic single-nucleotide polymorphism is associated with clinical malaria in Ghanaian children
    (Libertas Academica Ltd, 2016) Amoako-Sakyi, D.; Adukpo, S.; Kusi, K.A.; Dodoo, D.; Ofori, M.F.; Adjei, G.O.; Edoh, D.E.; Asmah, R.H.; Brown, C.; Adu, B.; Obiri-Yeboah, D.; Futagbi, G.; Abubakari, S.B.; Troye-Blomberg, M.; Akanmori, B.D.; Goka, B.Q.; Arko-Mensah, J.; Gyan, B.A.
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    Presence of IgE+ cells in human placenta is independent of malaria infection or chorioamnionitis
    (Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 2006-05) Rindsjö, E.; Varli, I.H.; Ofori, M.F.; Lundquist, M.; Holmlund, U.; Papadogiannakis, N.; Scheynius, A.
    We have shown previously that numerous IgE+ macrophage-like cells are present in the villous stroma of full term placenta and that there was no difference in the amount of IgE+ cells between allergic and non-allergic mothers. The presence of such an abundant number of IgE+ cells in the placenta in allergic as well as non-allergic women suggests that the IgE is of some importance for a successful pregnancy outcome. Here we have investigated the IgE-pattern in 59 placentas from second and third trimesters from Sweden with different degrees of chorioamnionitis and 27 full term placentas from Ghana with and without malaria parasites. The immunohistochemical staining pattern for IgE looked similar to our previous study, with the IgE located on Hofbauer-like cells. We could not find any difference in the amount or distribution of IgE+ cells between malaria-infected and non-infected placentas, nor between different degrees of chorioamnionitis. The IgE score in the placenta did not correlate with the levels of IgE in maternal serum or plasma. However, the IgE score was significantly higher in second- compared to third-trimester placentas (P = 0.03). This might reflect a maturation time-point in the fetus and in the intrauterine environment during the second trimester, or it might be associated with the increased number of intrauterine fetal deaths in the second trimester. © 2006 British Society for Immunology.