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Item Retirement Experiences of Female Retirees in Accra. A Case Study of Fifteen Women.(University of Ghana, 2001-05) Otoo-Addo, F.Item Contribution of Child Labour to Family Welfare among Residents of Ahinsan A Suburb of Kumasi(University of Ghana, 2001-06) Kwadwo, O.Item Is the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Third Edition UK (WISC-III UK Applicable to Ghana?(University of Ghana, 2001-07) Edwin, A.K.The study aimed at standardizing the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Third Edition UK (WISC-III UK) for use with 200 Ghanaian children from selected schools between the ages of 6 years, to 11 years, 11 months. These children were also given the Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices (RCPM). Subjects were in two groups. Private and public schools, distributed into 12 age groups. Comparisons were made based on the private public dichotomy and the 12 age groups. The study confirmed that individual's performance on the WISC-III is Influenced by his/her cultural milieu with children from the higher SES schools doing better on the test than those from the lower SES schools. The children from private schools were different from children from public schools on all the WISC-III UK subtests and the RCPM. There were also significant differences within the two School groups as well as some overlap between one of the private schools and one of the public schools. These findings support and add to the many in the literature, which indicate that differences exist in the performance of different cultural and socio-economic groups. The results also indicated that males and females did not differ Significantly from each other on almost all the subtests and RCPM except on the Mazes subtest. Although increasing age did not show a uniform improvement on scores, generally, children in the upper socio-economic groups did better than children in the lower classes. The performance of the WISC-III also correlated strongly with performance on the RCPM.Item Standardization of the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery (MAB) in Ghana(University of Ghana, 2002-06) Debrah, L.A.This study reports an analysts of the performance of 449 non-clinical individuals on the Multidimensiona1 Aptitude Battery (MAB). These were students ranging between the ages of sixteen (16) and thirty-four (34) years drawn from selected secondary and tertiary Institutions in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. The purpose of undertaking this work was first to provide Ghanaian norms for the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery (MAB). Further. to Investigate the possible influence of age, and sex on each of the ten subtests of the MAB, the Verbal Scale, the Performance Scale and Full Scale. The results revealed that age and sex had an effect on performance on the MAB. Older subjects obtained significantly higher scores on Vocabulary. Comprehension, Verbal Scale and Full Scale. These are tests which relied more on experience and 8 vast store of knowledge. The findings support Cattel's theory that on tasks requiring fluid intelligence as opposed to crystallized Intelligence, older people are at an advantage. Overall, the females obtained significantly higher scores than males Males performed significantly better than females on the Spatial subtest, supporting previous findings. The observed difference between the performance of the Ghanaian and normative sample on the MAB confirm the fact that cultural issues affect psychological testing to a large extent. The general overall improvement in performance on the modified MAB and the subsequent formulation and generation of Ghanaian norms for the MAB have tremendous implications for clinical psychological practice in Ghana, and also in prediction of performance on the job and also for research in GhanaItem Strategies of extending Social Security Coverage to workers in the Informal Sector(University of Ghana, 2005-06) Ayisi, A.E.The research work was meant to find strategies of extending social security coverage to workers in the informal sector to enable them have protection against economic and social distress. The informal sector alone forms 80.6% of the total number of 9.039,318 economically active populations. Data used for the research work was from both primary and secondary sources. A vital tool that was wed in gathering information from the primary source was the questionnaire. In all, thirty questions were asked and grouped under the following headings. • General information on the respondent • Savings levels and preferences • Understanding of the SSNIT Pension Scheme The purposeive sampling procedures and structured questionnaires were used to collect data from a total of 156 respondents. The research revealed that workers in the informal sector do not join the scheme because of lack of knowledge. Most of the workers in the sector have failed to contribute due to unsustainable incomes. It was also revealed that benefits offered under the SSNIT Scheme were inadequate and did not meet workers expectations. Based on the findings, it is recommended that SSNIT enact a double -decker social insurance system that will provide for withdrawable contributions to help workers in this sector expand their business as their immediate need. As a result of the lack of knowledge, the media could also help to market the scheme. Benefits to contributors should be adjusted by SSNIT to bridge the gap between the high and low income earners.Item A Study of Anxiety and Depression as Consequences of Marital Distress and the Effect of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy(University of Ghana, 2004-07) Agyapong, B.Item Firm-Level Efficiency in the Non-Traditional Exports Sector in Ghana(University of Ghana, 2009-07) Alhassan, A.The level of efficiency and dynamism of the emerging non-traditional exports sector is important to Ghana's quest to accelerate economic growth in order to achieve middle-income status. The potential of the non-traditional exports sector to break into the dominance of the traditional exports sector and to enhance the diversification of, and deepening of, the total exports sector is observed by stakeholders. This can, however, be achieved if the non-traditional exports sector exhibits an appreciable level offrrm-Ievel efficiency. The study estimates frrm-level technical efficiency of NTE sector firms in Ghana using a crosssectional data of sixty firms. The data, made up of both qualitative and quantitative, were directly collected from the selected frrms during a survey conducted for this purpose. The data collected comprised value of annual turnover (sales), annual cost of raw materials, end-of-year book value of fixed assets, annual cost of energy, and annual cost of labour, for the year 2007. The frrms also provided information characterizing them as well as their export and/or non-export operations. The study fits Cobb-Douglas and Translog functional forms of production to the data collected. Based on the Likelihood Ratio Test, it was ascertained that the Cobb-Douglas fit the data better than the Translog. Technical efficiency scores were estimated and regressed on frrm specific variables to identify those that influence efficiency in the NTE sector. These efficiency scores, in terms of percentages, ranged from as little as 34 per cent to 95 per cent, and averaged 80 per cent. This implies that the NTE sector firms are efficient.Item The Impact of Central Bank Independence on Inflation in Ghana(University of Ghana, 2009-07) Caiquo, A.K.Increasing central bank independence is a recommended strategy for government to establish a credible commitment to price stability, which may be at the expense of other objectives that may be more appealing to the political authorities. Most of the literature reports a negative relation between legal independence and inflation in developed countries with the evidence on central bank independence and growth being tenuous. The turnover rate of the central bank governors (which is the rate at which governors are changed) tends to be positively associated with inflation in less developing countries, implying that low turnover rates is associated with low inflation, the reverse is true. This paper seeks to explore the impact of the degree of independence of the Bank of Ghana on inflation from the actual measure of central bank independence context since 1970 to 2007, making use of a general inflation model. The results reveal a negative impact on inflation in Ghana. Which suggests that the turnover rate of governors has a negative effect on inflation. Since the governor of the Bank of Ghana is appointed by the government, there is the likelihood to succumb to pressures from government in the hope to avoid the termination of appointment. The governmental influence makes the pursuance of effective monetary policies less likely on the part of the governor. The policy implications and recommendations from the study emphasize the need to put in place checks to ensure an effective and efficient transparent mechanism between the Bank of Ghana and the general public. Secondly, the goals of the Bank of Ghana should be clearly defined as well as the monetary instrument to be employed to achieve the goals. Finally, the enactment of the fiscal responsibility law will ensure fiscal discipline on the part of government.Item The Usage and Management of Transboundary River Resources for Sustainable Livelihood in the Bawku Area(University of Ghana, 2009-02) Mohammed, A.S.Water is essential to almost all human activities including agriculture, domestic use and industry and among others. This study has therefore assessed the usage and management of the White Volta River in the Bawku area for livelihood. The study used cross-sectional data collected from households, river user groups, Government and Civil Society Organisations in three riparian communities of the White Volta in the Bawku area. The data was analyzed using statistical packages such as the SPSS and MINITAB. The results have been presented in tables to suit the objectives of the study. The study results show that riparian communities in the Bawku area mainly use the White Volta resources for several livelihood activities such as rainy season cropping, dry season gardening, livestock rearing, fishing and river transportation, and sand winning and bricks molding. High crop yield along the River was found to be associated with the River's resources which provides ideal condition for improved rainy season cropping and dry season gardening. Large scale production of livestock in the communities was found to be associated with river resources which provide abundant water and pasture for livestock rearing. The all-year round flowing of the River due largely to the construction of the Bagre Dam in Burkina Faso has not only improved dry season gardening and livestock rearing but has also made it possible for river transportation in some of the riparian communities. The construction of the Dam has however affected fishing which is traditionally undertaken in stable waters whenever the River dries up. Several factors such as flooding, destruction of farms by animals and drying up of some parts of the River are some challenges to effective utilisation of the River for livelihood in the riparian communities. Concerns have been raised that the nature of some of the livelihood activities such as cropping very close to the River and over grazing by animals lead to erosion and siltation which affect the flow of the River. For the management of the River, study has found that customary beliefs and practices are being used for preserving the River resources at the communities' level. It was however found that these customary practices are losing their usefulness due to modern religious beliefs and practices. Nevertheless, national and international organisation as well as civil society interest was found to be growing towards the management and preservation of the White Volta. The GLOWA Volta Project and the IUCN are working in collaboration with national institutions such as the WRC to implement Projects for improving water governance and preservmg the ecosystem of the Basin. The study concludes that the sustenance of the River is crucial for the development of the riparian communities. Integrated river resources planning and management with much participation of the local communities, Government and Civil Society Organisations is therefore recommended for efficient utilisation and management of the River resources in the riparian communities.Item The Coping Strategies of Single Parents: A Study of Female Household Headship in Accra(University Of Ghana, 2003-06) Kpoor, A.This study investigates the coping strategies of single female parents in Accra. Single female parents within Maamobi, New Dansoman and Roman Ridge areas in Accra were interviewed through in-depth interviews and a survey. Specifically, the study sought to find out the socio-economic factors that account for single female parenthood. how single lelllaie parents econoillically support their households. examine social support mechanisms for single female parents and whether they make mqjor decisions in their households. The major findings are that divorce is principally responsible for single female parenthood due to mainly the infidelity of husbands In the absence of men (husbands), single female parents through earning incomes which are although low, bear the bulk of responsibility In the maintenance of children and the household in addition to making major decisions. The fathers of the children of single female parents mostly do not assist the women in the maintenance of children. In situations \\here children's fathers assist the \\omen. the\ mostly do so occasionally. Kin of single female parents on the other hand mostly assist the women \\ith housing and household chores. The study thus concludes that single female parents are to a large extent heads of households Finally, the study offers recommendations such as improving the educational and income generating potential of women through sound macro economic policies and programmes by the government and NGOs respecti\ely and the enactment of relevant Im\s by parlianlent to ensure that single female parents recei \e child support from their children's fathers among others.