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This community archives policies of University of Ghana. Policies defines the guideline for decision-making and links the formulation of strategy with its implementation in University of Ghana. Policies are used by the University of Ghana to make sure that employees throughout the organization make decisions and take actions that support the mission, vision, objectives and strategies.
Item Academic Quality Assurance Policy (December 2009)(University of Ghana, 2011-10-28) Public AffairsThe University’s commitment to the assurance of the quality of its academic programmes is broadly expressed in its mission statement. The mission of the University is to “develop world-class human resources and capabilities to meet national development needs and global challenges through quality teaching, learning, research, and knowledge dissemination.Item Code of Conduct For Academic Staff of the University Of Ghana (March 2011)(University of Ghana, 2011-10-28) Public AffairsEstablished in 1948, the University of Ghana is reputed as one of the leading Universities in Africa, and has over the years produced graduates of high calibre, to occupy influential positions in Ghana and various parts of the world. This has been in conformity with the University’s mission namely, to produce world-class human resources and capabilities to meet national development needs and global challenges through quality teaching, learning, research and knowledge dissemination. In order to foster and strengthen adherence to the University statutes, regulations and bye-laws, and maintain high standards of integrity in the prosecution of the University’s mission, a code of conduct is considered crucial. The University’s motto, Integri Procedamus, ‘We Proceed in Integrity,’ presumes a fundamental conviction that success in any intellectual endeavour is of little value if it is not founded on high moral values. This Code of Conduct is thus meant to regulate the conduct and behaviour of Senior Members of the University in order to maintain high standards in work output, and enhance public trust and confidence in the University’s deliberations. The Code is largely informed by past and contemporary events, experiences and observations in the University, that have raised issues of integrity, work culture, and general standards of behaviour, considered subversive of discipline in an institution of high learning. The guidelines are generally consistent with the University’s statutes and regulations, as well as observations by various Committees instituted by the University to examine issues bordering on ethics and discipline. The Code is largely applicable to academic Senior Members of the University. However, until a separate code is designed for non-academic Senior Members, relevant sections of this Code shall apply. The Code may be reviewed every five (5) years.Item Code of Conduct For Radio Univers' Staff And Volunteers(University of Ghana, 2018-01-26) Public AffairsThis code of conduct is made on mutual respect and responsibility and applies equally to the staff, volunteers, free lancers, independent producers and guests. This has been prepared to guide the conduct of all activities at the station premises (including the office and news room) and adjoining facilities. The Code draws from local and international sources including the Code of Ethics of the Society for Professional Journalists, the Ghana Journalists Association, relevant and applicable Code of Conduct, the Statutes of the University and any other relevant rules, regulations and/or Policies implemented by the University of Ghana. The purpose of the Code is to protect the credibility of RADIO UNIVERS news programming by ensuring among others, high standards of honesty, integrity, impartiality and conduct of staff and relationship with our publics. We accomplish this by (a) articulating the ethical standards we observe in pursuing and presenting stories, (b) setting rules and policies that prevent conflicts of interest, (c) establishing guidelines for actions that may reflect on RADIO UNIVERS.Item Guidelines for Approval of New Academic Programmes(University of Ghana, 2016-09-23) Public AffairsThese guidelines have been prepared to provide clear processes for the introduction of new academic programmes by academic units of the University of Ghana. It is expected that heads of units would be guided by this and also given the time requirements for approval, begin the processes early to avoid infractions with our own requirements and from regulatory bodies.Item Guidelines for Using the Turnitin Software to Determine Plagiarism in University Of Ghana(University of Ghana, 2016-09-23) Public AffairsFollowing the approval of the UG Plagiarism policy, the TURNITIN software was introduced in University of Ghana (UG) to facilitate the implementation of the policy. The introduction of the software at UG is one of the means to encourage faculty members, staff and students to abide by one of the core values of University of Ghana, which is Integrity. The use of the software is not intended to be punitive, but rather to provide faculty members, students and staff with the opportunity to identify portions of their work that can be deemed as plagiarized so they can effect the necessary corrections. It is intended to facilitate the process of ensuring academic integrity, which includes duly acknowledging the work or ideas of others. Its use will allow academic staff, students and other members of the University community to gain confidence that work which they submit as original meets the criterion of having a high level of originality.Item Handbook for Heads of Department(University of Ghana, 2016-09-23) Public AffairsThis hand book is an update of the older version published in 1993. It has been specially crafted to address all the complexities of the work of the Head of Department. After several years of reforms in our internal processes and with the current direction towards a research-intensive university in the context of a collegiate system, the imperative of having a handbook for the Head of Department cannot be gainsaid. In this handbook, five broad areas of the duties of the Head of Department have been identified. These are: • University Management; • Planning and Financial Management; • Management of Staff of the Department; • Teaching, Learning and Examinations; • Research, Conferences and Grant Management It is expected that Heads of Department would be guided by these and other related roles and responsibilities to effectively run their departments.Item Marketing Communications Policy for the University of Ghana(University of Ghana, 2019-11-29) Public AffairsThis University of Ghana Marketing Communications policy guides the University of Ghana (UG) community in its marketing communication activities recognising that all such activities should be coordinated from a Marketing and Service Excellence Unit located within the Office of Institutional Advancement. The Marketing and Service Excellence Unit exercises oversight responsibility for the co-ordination of all official internal and external marketing communication activities of the entire University. No marketing consultants, marketing research firms, public relations agencies, brand design agencies, graphic design firms, web design firms, independent design consultants or social media consultants will be communicated with, without the prior approval of the Marketing and Service Excellence Unit. For the purpose of this policy, Marketing Communications refers to advertising, direct marketing, branding, packaging, online presence, printed materials, public relations activities, sales presentations, sponsorships, trade show appearances and all activities connected with the promotion of the University of Ghana in local and international markets.Item Policy for Students and Staff with Special Needs: Facilities and Services(University of Ghana, 2019-10-25) Public AffairsThe object of this policy shall ensure that students and Staff of the University community with special needs have access to both facilities, services and a learning environment that is, wherever possible, comparable to that of their peers without special needs. This policy shall recognise that students and Staff with special needs are an integral part of the academic community. It shall take as its starting point the premise that accessible and appropriate provision is not ‘additional’ but a core element of the overall service which the University makes available to all students and staff.Item Policy Regulating the Placement of Advertisement (November 2011)(University of Ghana, 2012-06-15) Public AffairsThe University has a mission to “develop world-class human resources and capabilities to meet national development needs and global challenges through quality teaching, learning, research and knowledge dissemination.” In order to further this mission, the campuses of the University must be maintained as serene environments that promote teaching and learning. It follows therefore that the University Campuses cannot be allowed to become free-for-all areas for all manner of commercial advertising. Commercial activity cannot however be prohibited from the University’s premises. The Legon campus in particular which provides residence for both staff and students, must also simultaneously function as a conventional settlement with the provision of banking, retail, and other facilities. There is therefore the need to manage the presence of commercial entities within the campus to ensure that their activities (particularly as relates to marketing and advertising) do not detract from the academic environment that the University seeks to engender. Events and activities organised by both staff and students create a requirement for the dissemination of information to the University community in the form of posters, banners, etc. This includes activities organised by student clubs and associations, Halls of Residence, and academic departments. In addition to this, the University currently has a policy of promoting entrepreneurship within the student body, and the marketing/advertising needs of students involved in small commercial ventures cannot therefore be ignored. Finally, it must also be recognised that the alumni, faculty, staff, and students of the University of Ghana are attractive to vendors of all sorts as a market for their products. As a result, there will be strong pressure from vendors to market and advertise their products to members of the University community. Whilst this has the potential to create a nuisance, it is also a potential source of significant additional income to the University that cannot be ignored. Policy Regulating the Placement of Advertisement at the University of Ghana 1 This policy therefore seeks to rationalise and manage these competing requirements by defining rules, regulations and procedure to govern the placement of all manner of signage and advertising on the premises of the University of Ghana. This policy will also cover advertising within official publications of the University, advertising on Radio Univers, and on the University website and intranet pages.Item University of Ghana Appeals Board Rules, 2018(University of Ghana, 2018-09-27) Public AffairsItem University of Ghana Customer Service Policy(University of Ghana, 2019-11-29) Public AffairsThis Customer Service Policy is a code of customer service conduct that deliberately spells out how all University of Ghana employees should work so as to improve the overall customer experience for all our various stakeholders. It is a social contract that delineates the service delivery and compliance standards between the University of Ghana and its various stakeholder (customer) audiences. A customer service policy ensures that each member of the University of Ghana community fully realises the utmost importance of serving their customers consistently with the same high quality of service commitment - irrespective of which department or unit the employee may work in; or at what rank they are currently operating at. The ability of the University of Ghana to improve its global relevance in the attraction of international students and faculty will be greatly enhanced if we all display the customer-oriented attitudes enshrined in this Customer Service Policy. The University of Ghana Customer Service Policy has as its overriding objective, the desire to get University of Ghana employees to always strive to put the needs of external customers before their own and that providing empathetic, consistent and responsive service is everyone’s responsibility. This Customer Service Policy will be one of our key strategies for improving the professionalism of the service we deliver as a leading tertiary institution in Africa. The University of Ghana will constantly strive to build and maintain positive relationships with its esteemed stakeholders and this customer service policy serves as a set of rules and path, which when followed will lead to the achievement of service excellence at the University of Ghana.Item University of Ghana Financial Regulations and Governance(University of Ghana, 2012-08) Public AffairsThe Statutes of the University of Ghana highlight at Statute 8 (1) that “the University shall be managed and administered in accordance with sound and internationally acceptable practices,benchmarks, principles and ideas on university management and administration, including the principles of academic and financial integrity, confidentiality, accountability, transparency, fairness and equality of opportunity.”Accordingly, to conduct its business effectively, the University of Ghana needs to ensure that it has sound financial management systems in place and that they are strictly adhered to. Part of this process is the establishment of Financial Regulations and Governance which set out the University of Ghana's policies and procedures relating to financial management, control and reporting.These Regulations are made by Council pursuant to its powers under Statute 53 of the Statutes of the University of Ghana. The purpose of the Regulations is to provide a framework and guidelines to ensure control over the totality of the University's resources and provide management and stakeholders with assurances that these resources are properly applied for the achievement of the University's Vision and Mission.Item University of Ghana Housing Regulations(University of Ghana, 2016-11-26) Public AffairsAccording to current conditions of service for Senior Members and Entitled Staff, the University of Ghana shall provide accommodation to all Senior Members and to Senior Staff of the rank of at least Principal Administrative Assistant, or its equivalent. Attempts shall be made to accommodate Senior Members and Entitled Staff in the University's own houses. Where these are not readily available, the University shall provide rented premises in suitable areas outside the campus, at rates to be agreed upon by the University and the Landlords/ladies. The allocation of University houses to Senior Members and Entitled Staff is governed by regulations approved by the Academic Board and administered by the Housing Committee.Item University of Ghana Internal Audit Charter(University of Ghana, 2019-02) Public AffairsThe University recognizes the Internal Audit Directorate as a strategic unit to promote governance, assess risk management practices, and improve internal controls. An organization is as good as the quality of its internal audit unit. The Statutes of the University of Ghana highlight at Statute 8(1) that, “the University shall be managed and administered in accordance with sound and internationally acceptable practices, benchmarks, principles and ideas on university management and administration, including the principles of academic and financial integrity, confidentiality, accountability, transparency, fairness and equality of opportunity”. As a result, this Internal Audit Charter has been developed and approved by Council to set out the policies and procedures for carrying out the internal audit function of the University. The Council of the University has approved the Charter and wishes to inform all employees of its existence and that it must be complied with at all times. All officers and units shall in accordance with the Charter and decisions of the Council, undergo internal audit processes in strict adherence to the requirements stated therein. Thus, employees who contravene the Charter will be considered to be in breach of their duties towards the University and Council, and will be considered for disciplinary action. This will also apply to employees who are aware of deliberate deviations from the Charter by others and become complicit by not reporting their concerns or knowledge to the relevant University Authorities or any member of Council.Item University of Ghana International Travel Policy (May 2011)(University of Ghana, 2011-10-28) Public AffairsThis document outlines the University of Ghana (UG) policy regarding international travel. Staff should consult the UG Local Travel Policy for guidelines on local travel.Item University of Ghana Plagiarism Policy(University of Ghana, 2016-09-23) Public AffairsThe mission of the University is to create an enabling environment that makes University of Ghana increasingly relevant to national and global development through cutting edge research as well as high quality teaching and learning. In carrying out its mission, the University is committed to the highest level of integrity and ethical standards, and therefore endeavours to ensure that the academic work of its staff and students is of the highest standard. The University is committed to ensuring that its staff and students do not plagiarize the work of others. This policy document therefore seeks to clearly define what plagiarism is, spell out the University's efforts at preventing plagiarism by staff and students, give the permissible extent and formats for citing the work of others, and what the sanctions for plagiarism are.Item University of Ghana Records Management and Archives Policies (November 2014)(University of Ghana, 2014-11-21) Public AffairsThe purpose of this policy is to provide a framework and assign responsibilities for ensuring that full and accurate records of the business activities of the University of Ghana are created. It aims to ensure that these records are managed and maintained for as long as they are required to support business functions and accountabilities until their disposal in accordance with the authorized retention schedules.Item University of Ghana Risk Management Policy(University of Ghana, 2019-05-24) Public AffairsThe Council has overall responsibility for ensuring that there is a Risk Management Strategy and a common approach to the management of risks throughout the University. This will be done through the development, implementation and embedding within the University, a formal and structured risk management process. The University acknowledges the risks inherent in its business, and is committed to managing those risks. The Council has assigned accountability for this to the Vice-Chancellor.Item University of Ghana Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Policy(University of Ghana, 2017-05-05) Public AffairsThe University of Ghana is committed to creating and maintaining a community in which all persons who participate in the University's programmes and activities do so in an environment free from intimidation, exploitation and abuse. The University seeks to provide an atmosphere of work and study in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. To achieve this objective, the University has adopted this policy on sexual harassment and misconduct which is intended to guide the University of Ghana community. The policy defines prohibited conduct, outlines the procedures for reporting violations, conduct of investigations, sanctions, non-retaliatory mechanisms and establishes the Anti-sexual harassment committee.