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An academic or scholarly journal is a periodical publication in which scholarship relating to a particular academic discipline is published in University of Ghana. Academic journals serve as permanent and transparent forums for the presentation, scrutiny, and discussion of research. They are usually peer-reviewed or refereed.
Listed here are Journals from the University of Ghana.
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Item Expansion of the Hausa Migrant Community in Lagos, Nigeria, 1970–2007(Ghana Social Science Journal, 2013) Gatawa, M.M.This study to examines the growth of Hausa communities in Lagos, Nigeria. The settlement of Hausa people in Lagos is attributed to a chain of historical antecedents. The pre-colonial long distance trade championed by the Hausa in the West African region attracted a considerable number of Hausa settlers to Lagos and other Yoruba towns. Also, with the abolition of the slave trade by the beginning of the nineteenth century, a number of Hausa ex-slaves who gained freedom ended up settling in Lagos. Of profound impact was the colonial policy that favoured the recruitment of these exslaves into the police force. Another factor that attracted Hausa migrants to Lagos was the strategic position the city enjoyed up to1991 as the country's commercial and political capital. Migration was and is still sustained by the fact that Lagos is the commercial hub of Nigeria. This led to the establishment of a number of Hausa communities in Lagos, especially from 1970 to 2007. The study validates the claim that the Hausa community has succeeded in creating a distinct identity in Lagos and has also exhibited some level of adaptation to and cultural assimilation into the host Yoruba community, notably in language and intermarriageItem The Net Benefit of Migration: The Case of Migrant Nurses from Ghana to the United Kingdom(Ghana Social Science Journal, 2009) Quartey, P.; Kwakye, E.Skilled worker migration from Ghana to Europe and the USA has been on the increase in recent years. These out-migrations bring enormous benefits as well as costs but the net effect is yet to be ascertained. Using survey data from 100 nurses practising in Ghana and a similar number practising in the UK, this paper investigates their reasons for migrating and attempts to cap-ture the net benefit of migration. The paper concludes that migration of nurses brings positive net private benefit but this excludes social cost such as the rise in mortality rates due to shortage of nurses, and other social costs which do not easily lend themselves to valuation in monetary terms.Item The paradox of north-south migration: Vulnerability and coping strategies of migrant women from northern Ghana(Ghana Social Science Journal, 2019-12) Kpedator, M.Migration and vulnerability as social phenomena have existed over the years and have equally attracted several concerns from both local and international stakeholders who have been devising strategies to minimize the challenges associated with this social menace. Globally, vulnerabilities of migrant women are viewed as a major problem confronting most developing countries, especially countries in sub-Saharan Africa, where many factors and conditions have combined to perpetuate them. Utilizing qualitative data based on migrant women from the Upper East, Upper West, Savannah, Northeast and Northern Regions working in La Nkwantanang-Madina, the paper analyzes the vulnerabilities of this migrant group of women, identifies how the women cope, use their agency and improve their wellbeing in their new work environment. The paper also explores the strategies used by these migrant women to deal with their childcare problems at both the destination and origin. The major findings of the study show that migrant mother’s main vulnerabilities have to do with housing and language, which calls for the need to design and implement effective and efficient policies on housing for these vulnerable poor women and their children