Conference Proceedings and Papers

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Conference proceeding is a collection of academic papers published in the context of an academic conference or workshop. Conference proceedings typically contain the contributions made by researchers at the conference. They are the written record of the work that is presented to fellow researchers.


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    Ghana's Community Information Centers (CiCs): e-Governance success or mirage?
    (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2009-01) Awotwi, J.E.; Owusu, G.
    Following the initial implementation of Information and Communication Technologies for development (ICT4D) projects in rural Africa, many did not yield the anticipated outcomes, and interest has been waning. People then began talking about "sustainable ICT" projects as projects which would become self-sufficient after their initial donor-led investment and set-up period. Beyond WSIS's broad objective for all nations, Ghana Government set its own specific objectives to Community Information Centres (CICs) project, to bridge the digital divide between urban and rural dwellers in the country. They are to serve as training centers where acquisition of ICT skills and knowledge are provided for underprivileged people and also to bring government services online closer to the people at the grassroots. Is it true that rural Ghana does not want to connect with the rest of the world through information centres? This analysis is based on data collected from all known public records, reports, and other materials which were researched, and where possible, persons either directly involved with the project as administrators or users were interviewed. This analysis is based on data collected from all known public records, reports, and other materials which were researched, and where possible, persons either directly involved with the project as administrators or users were interviewed. Copyright 2009 ACM.
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    Lack of equal access to ICTs by women: An e-governance issue
    (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2008-01) Awotwi, J.E.; Owusu, G.
    This paper will explore the inadequacy of women's participatory role in governance due to lack of access to ICTs in Ghana using Ghana in West Africa as a Case Study. It will point out the recognition of women's limitations through international declarations; the usual obstacles that face women in the ICT industry; examine the Ghana government's gender policies, and also offer suggestions as to how to empower women, already marginalized in society, to gain from the new age of technology. Copyright 2008 ACM.