Heritage Materials

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These materials consist primarily of the African, Furley and Folio collections which are being kept at the Africana section of the Balme Library, University of Ghana. Furley and Folio were Dutch writers in the colonial period in the history of Ghana


The collection includes documentary materials relating to the history of Ghana, old books, maps, engravings, pamphlets and manuscripts but most of all archival material. Some portions of the Furley collection contains essays on the local history, customs histories and constitutions of the various tribes of the Gold Coast which was later published in two slim volumes by Welman on Ahanta and Peki


Furley presented his enormous collection of documentary materials of various kinds to the library of the University College of the Gold Coast. After his death, his widow added to this collection some materials which Furley had collected in the last years of his life



Search Results

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    The Gold Coast Review Vol. 1. No I June-December
    (William Clowes and Sons Limited, 1925) Government of the Gold Coast
    His Excellency the Governor and Commander-m-Chief Of the Gold coast has been pleased to sanction an attempt to sustain in the Gold Coast the periodical issue of a journal or review or historical and scientific interest on the lines of the admirable Bulletin du comite d’ Etudes Histiques et Scientifique de l’ Afrique Occidentale Francaise or of such publication' in parts of the British Empire as, for example, Sudan Notes and Records or of the numerous I' 'cords 0[' the proceeding' of County Archreological Societies in England.
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    The Gold Coast Review Vol. II. No. I. January-June 1926
    (Government of Gold Coast, 1926-01) Government of Gold Coast
    It is not necessary for the Editor to say much in introducing the second issue of the Gold Coast Review. As mentioned in the introduction to Volume I., No. I., the Gold Coast Review is a half-yearly publication. Since the period represented by the first issue was the second half of the year 1925, the volume for that year consists of that one number only, and the present issue is the first of the two numbers for the year 1926 which will constitute volume II. It is with a feeling of great relief that we appear for the second time. Experience in the matter of publications on the Gold Coast has established the paradox that it is not so much Ie premier as Ie deuxieme pas qui coute. The first number was well received . The demand was good, though not so good as we hope it will become. The response to the appeal for contributions, as will be seen by the varied and interesting articles in this number. has been very encouraging. One grave defect remains. His Excellency the Governor, in congratulating the Editor on the start of the publication, expressed his regret at .. one blemish in a very useful list of contents--no con.. tribution from an African or non-Official European." Efforts have been made to remove this blemish . In addition to the appeals made in the Introduction to the first number for contributions from all sections of the community personal appeals have been made to several likely contributors outside official circles, and some of them have expressed their intention of sending in articles for future issues. We are glad to have a short article this time from the pen of the Honourable Mr. Casely Hayford. but all our other contributors are Government Officials. and the proportion from outside the Government service is thus not yet what we should like it to be. t the s me time there is cause for satisfaction in the wider range of interests represented in the present Issue.
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    The Gold Coast Review Vol. V No. I
    (The Government of the Gold Coast, 1931) The Government of the Gold Coast
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    The Gold Coast Review Vol. IV. No. 2.
    (The Government of the Gold Coast, 1928) The Government of the Gold Coast
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    The Gold Coast Review Vol. II. No. 2. July-December 1927
    (Government of the Gold Coast, 1927-07) Government of the Gold Coast
    This third number of the Cold Coast Review marks a distinct advance in the range from which the material is derived. Out of ten contributors four are Africans and of those four two are outside the Government Service. Attention is specially invited to the first instalment of a History of the Adangme People, a contribution of rare ethnological interest, the writer of which was trained from boyhood as a fetish priest and afterwards educated by the Basel Missionaries . This history was written in the Adangme language and has been translated by one of The author's sons. Publication will be completed in three instalments and an edition will then be available in book form. Authors of articles and notes appearing in the Cold Coast Review are solely responsible for their statements and expressions of opinion.
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    The Gold Coast Review
    (The Government of the Gold Coast, 1928) The Government of the Gold Coast