Heritage Materials

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These materials consist primarily of the African, Furley and Folio collections which are being kept at the Africana section of the Balme Library, University of Ghana. Furley and Folio were Dutch writers in the colonial period in the history of Ghana


The collection includes documentary materials relating to the history of Ghana, old books, maps, engravings, pamphlets and manuscripts but most of all archival material. Some portions of the Furley collection contains essays on the local history, customs histories and constitutions of the various tribes of the Gold Coast which was later published in two slim volumes by Welman on Ahanta and Peki


Furley presented his enormous collection of documentary materials of various kinds to the library of the University College of the Gold Coast. After his death, his widow added to this collection some materials which Furley had collected in the last years of his life



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    From Cape Coast to Coomasie, a narrative of the Ashantee War.
    (The Illustrated London News Office, London., 1874) The Illustrated London News
    The foregoing statement is an outline of the history to be related in our present narrative. But the more detailed account of those transactions may be suitably preceded by a short description of the British establishment on the Gold Coast, the Fantee tribes around them, and the Ashantee kingdom, as hitherto known from travellers' reports. These subjects will therefore occupy our first attention. The Gold Coast was visited so long ago as 1364 by some French merchant adventurers of Rouen and Dieppe.
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    Further Correspondence regarding the Affairs of the Gold Coast.
    (Eyre and Spottiswoode, London., 1884) Governor of the Gold Coast
    I have the honour to transmit herewith, for your Lordship's information, copies of two letters received from the District Commissioner at Cape Coast. In both, he refers to the falling off of trade from the interior to the coast, and mentions in the second the opinions expressed to him upon the subject by four of the principal merchants of Cape Coast, who stated that owing to obstacles placed by the tribes through whose countries traders had to pass on their way to coast, the interior trade was driven to Grand Bassam, a French Settlement and free port, and to other countries where traders can undisturbed trade direct with the Bristol ships.
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    Affairs of the Gold Coast and Threatened Ashanti Invasion.
    (George Edward Eyre and William Spottiswoode, 1881-08) Great Britain Colonial Office
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    Report addressed to the Earl of Clarendon by the Committee on the East African Slave Trade, dated January 24, 1870.
    (Harrison and Sons, 1870) The Committee on the East African Slave Trade
    In accordance with your Lordship's instructions we have given our careful attention to the subject of the Slave Trade on the East Coast of Africa, and to the measures necessary for its suppression, and we beg to submit the following observations for your Lordship's consideration. It may be well, however, before proceeding to state the conclusions to which we have come, that we should give a brief sketch of the Traffic, and of the mode in which it is at present carried on.
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    Further Correspondence respecting the Affairs of the Gold Coast.
    (Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1885-07) Great Britain Colonial Office
    Copies of all Correspondence between the Governor in Chief in West Africa, or the Administrator of Cape Coast, and Her Majesty’s Government, relative to the Arrest and Deportation to Sierra Leone, without Trial, of King Aggery of Cape Coast: and, any previous Correspondence relative to differences with King Aggery.
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    Correspondence relating to the Affairs of the Gold Coast.
    (Harrison and Sons, 1875-02-05) Great Britain Colonial Office
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    Correspondence respecting the Territory on the West Coast of Africa.
    (Harrison and Sons, 1883) Her Majesty’s Government
    Correspondence respecting the Territory on the West Coast of Africa lying between 5°, 12′ and 8° of South Latitude:1845 – 77.
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    Four Years in Ashantee
    (James Nisbet & Co., London., 1878) Ramseyer, F.A.; Kuhne, J.
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    De Afstand der kust van Guinea aan Engeland
    (Overgedrukt vit de Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant, 1871) Muller (Szn), H.