Heritage Materials

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These materials consist primarily of the African, Furley and Folio collections which are being kept at the Africana section of the Balme Library, University of Ghana. Furley and Folio were Dutch writers in the colonial period in the history of Ghana


The collection includes documentary materials relating to the history of Ghana, old books, maps, engravings, pamphlets and manuscripts but most of all archival material. Some portions of the Furley collection contains essays on the local history, customs histories and constitutions of the various tribes of the Gold Coast which was later published in two slim volumes by Welman on Ahanta and Peki


Furley presented his enormous collection of documentary materials of various kinds to the library of the University College of the Gold Coast. After his death, his widow added to this collection some materials which Furley had collected in the last years of his life



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  • Thumbnail Image
    Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas His Pilgrims in Twenty Volumes Volume XVIII
    (James Maclehose and Sons, 1906) Purchas, S.
    Sotos further Discoveries in Florida and manifold various Adventures till hee came to Tulla. Governour departed from Cutifa Chiqui the third day of May. And because the Indians had revolted, and the will of the Ladie was perceived, that if shee could, shee would depart without giving any Guides or men for burdens, for the wrongs which the Christians had done to the Indians: (for there never want some among many of a base sort, that for a little gaine doe put themselves and others in danger of undoing.
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    Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas His Pilgrims in Twenty Volumes Volume XX
    (James Maclehose and Sons, 1907) Purchas, S.
    Brief and true report of the Honorable Voyage unto Cadiz, 1596. of the overthrow of the Kings Fleete, and of the winning of the City, with other accidents, gathered out of Meteranus, Master Hackillyt* and others.
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    Hakluytus Posthumous or Purchas His Pilgrims Containing a History of the World in Sea Voyages and Land Travels by Englishmen and others
    (James Maclehose and Sons, 1906) Purchas, S.
    Thought good here to give an account of my course. Having spent much time in that other World, so little known to This (Tartaria and China) that the parts least known might be made best known: I have comne nearer home, to Russia, and her neighbours, the nearer, or Chrim · Tartars, the Samoyeds, and others; whereof Doctor Fletchers Story being so elaborate (where, though the centre bee Russia, yet his circumference is more generall) and by men judicious which have in those parts enjoyed most honourable employment, and exactest intelligence, commended : I have given the first place