Thye, T.Owusu-Dabo, E.Vannberg, F.O.van Crevel, R.Curtis, J.Sahiratmadja, E.Balabanova, Y.Ehmen, C.Muntau, B.Ruge, G.Sievertsen, J.Gyapong, J.Nikolayevskyy, V.Hill, P.C.Sirugo, G.Drobniewski, F.van de Vosse, E.Newport, M.Alisjahbana, B.Nejentsev, S.Ottenhoff, T.H.Hill, A.V.Horstmann, R.D.Meyer, C.G.2012-09-132017-10-162012-09-132017-10-162012Nature Genetics. 2012 Feb 5. doi: 10.1038/ng.1080http:// imputation of data from the 1000 Genomes Project into a genome-wide dataset of Ghanaian individuals with tuberculosis and controls, we identified a resistance locus on chromosome 11p13 downstream of the WT1 gene (encoding Wilms tumor 1). The strongest signal was obtained at the rs2057178 SNP (P = 2.63 × 10−9). Replication in Gambian, Indonesian and Russian tuberculosis case-control study cohorts increased the significance level for the association with this SNP to P = 2.57 × 10−11.enTuberculosisCommon variants at 11p13 are associated with susceptibility to tuberculosisArticle