beecham, J.2018-11-282018-11-281842 ordination, on the 10th of November, 1841, of Samuel symbols, Thomas Raston, Samuel Annear, William allen , Robert Lyon, and .john Brown, Excited unusual interest, partly because it ,was the First service of the kind held in the Great Room in The century -hall, which is registered according to Act of Parliament for religious worship, but more Especially from the circumstance, that the first four Were appointed(l to fill vacant Stations in Western Africa from whence intelligence had been only Recently received of painful afflictions and bereavement Which the Gold-Coast mission had experienced. After the six candidates had been solemnly set apart By the imposition of hands to the ,work and office of The Christian ministry, they received an impressive Charge from the rev. Thomas Jackson, on the General duties which they were placed under obligation to perform The following remarks especially addressed by the mission secretary , to the four whose names first on the list.enMissionary WorkNative MinistryThe claims of the missionary work in West Africa and the importance of training a native ministryOther